The Hindu Editorial (Emergency exit) – Feb 11, 2025
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The Hindu Editorial (Emergency exit) – Jan 11, 2025:
- show the door (phrase) – dismiss, throw out, remove, reject, expel, let go, axe, fire, sack.
- elusive (adjective) – difficult to find, difficult to achieve; intangible.
- overdue (adjective) – late, behind time, long-delayed, belated, postponed, tardy.
- reportedly (adverb) – allegedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently.
- duress (noun) – compulsion, force, pressure, pressurization, constraint, intimidation, coercion, threat.
- due to (phrase) – because of, as a result of, thanks to, on account of, owing to.
- growing (adjective) – increasing.
- dissidence (noun) – resistance, opposition, protest, discontent, disapproval, disagreement.
- no-confidence motion (NCM) or motion of no confidence (noun) – the no-confidence motion means that one or more members of the national assembly (or parliament) have lost confidence in the appointed government. If the motion is accepted, then the party in power has to prove its majority in the House. The party can remain in power when it shows its strength through a floor test which is primarily taken to know whether the executive enjoys the confidence of the legislature. If they fail the floor test, the government has to resign.
- (Legislative) Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
- sought past tense of seek (verb) – ask for, request, appeal.
- service (noun) – act of assistance, assistance, favour, help/aid, helping hand.
- Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) (noun) – CFSLs are multidisciplinary science and technological institutions undertaking highly specialized and sophisticated scientific work in the service of crime detection, law and justice. Presently, there are 7 Central Forensic Science Laboratories (CFSL) in the country. These CFSLs are located at Bhopal, Chandigarh, Kamrup, Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi and Kolkata. The CFSL New Delhi comes under the Central Bureau of Investigation, Delhi, whereas the other 6 laboratories are under the control of the Directorate of Forensic Science Services (DFSS) of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Directorate of Forensic Science services (DFSS) was created in the year 2002 by Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, after bifurcation from BPR&D.
- sealed cover jurisprudence (noun) – It is a practice used by the Supreme Court and sometimes lower courts, of asking for or accepting information from government agencies in sealed envelopes that can only be accessed by judges.
- allegedly (adverb) – reportedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently.
- feature (verb) – have; have as an important participant.
- instigator (noun) – initiator, agitator, fomenter, prime mover, mastermind.
- ethnic (adjective) – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition.
- conflict (noun) – dispute, quarrel, tussle, wrangle, disagreement, contention, strife, friction, discord.
- rage (verb) – be uncontrollable, be violent, be intense, be turbulent,
- proximate (adjective) – approximate, close, nearest, firsthand, adjacent.
- untenable (adjective) – undefendable, unjustified, unacceptable.
- abate (verb) – lessen, decrease, diminish, lower, lessen, reduce, ease, wane.
- champion (verb) – support, back, promote, favour, endorse, uphold, advocate, subscribe to.
- chauvinist (noun) – sectarian, isolationist, jingoistic; excessively patriotic/nationalistic person.
- In any case (phrase) – anyway, anyhow, at any rate, however, notwithstanding, nevertheless.
- de facto (phrase) – the Latin expression for “in effect”; in practice, in actuality, in reality.
- de jure (phrase) – the Latin expression for “by law” or “by right” and is used to describe a practice that exists by right or according to law.
- provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, specification, stipulation.
- Article 355 of the Constitution of India (noun) – It shall be the duty of the union to protect every state against external aggression and internal disturbance and to ensure that the government of every state is carried on in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
- seize (verb) – to take control of something forcibly; to take possession of something by force.
- law and order (noun) – a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society.
- imposition (noun) – enforcement, implementation, execution.
- ally (noun) – supporter, confidant, sympathizer, backer, partner.
- fatigue (noun) – tiredness, exhaustion, overtiredness, weariness.
- valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it.
- rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
- Kuki-Zomi community (noun) –The Kuki (hill tribes) people are an ethnic group native to the state of Manipur and other states in northeastern India. The “Mizo” (poetic version of “Zomi”), people are a ethnic group native to the Indian state of Mizoram and neighbouring regions of Northeast India.
- Meitei/Manipuri people (noun) – an ethnic group native to the state of Manipur in northeastern India. Valley-dwellers & non-tribals Meitei/Manipuri community is the largest & dominant community in Manipur, account for about 53% of the State’s total population of 2.85 million (2011 census).
- persistently (adverb) – continuously, constantly, relentlessly.
- infiltrator (noun) – intruder, invader, trespasser, encroacher.
- safe haven (noun) – refuge, shelter, asylum, place of safety/security.
- illicit (adjective) – illegal, unlawful, against the law.
- fuel (verb) – stoke up, provoke, incite, goad, stimulate, encourage, intensify, support.
- antipathy noun) – hostility, aversion, opposition, dislike, distaste, hatred, hate, enmity, abhorrence.
- rein in (phrasal verb) – to control, restrain, restrict, limit someone/something.
- brandish (verb) – wield, hold something high, display/exhibit (something as a threat or in anger).
- sophisticated (adjective) – modern, advanced, highly developed, the latest, futuristic.
- loot (verb) – steal (goods from a place).
- armoury (noun) – a range of resources ready for a particular use; arsenal, warehouse, ordnance depot.
- impunity (noun) – exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment, immunity, indemnity, non-liability.
- persist (verb) – continue, carry on, go on, keep going.
- reconciliation (noun) – restoration of friendly relations, restoration of harmony, agreement, compromise, understanding, peace, an end to hostilities; conciliation, pacification, appeasement.
- civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors. It refers to a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labour unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations. Civil society – sometimes called the “third sector” (after government and commerce) – has the power to influence the actions of elected policy-makers and businesses.
- activist (noun) – a person who supports a political change or cause; (or societal change/cause).
- talks (noun) – discussion, discourse, debate, dialogue, deliberation, negotiation, parley.
- unburdened (adjective) – free, freed, liberated, released.
- shenanigans (plural noun) – deception, double-dealing, dishonesty, cheating, fraudulence.
- accelerate (verb) – push, expedite, speed up, hasten, quicken.
- address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
- rehabilitation (noun) – the action of bringing (someone or something) back to a normal; restoration, bringing back, reinduction; reinstitution, reinstallation, re-establishment, revival.
- displaced (adjective) – relating to an act of forcing someone to leave his/her home, usually due to war, persecution, or natural disaster.
- lay a foundation/ground (phrase) – to make a start; to provide basic ideas from which something bigger develops or to provide basic ideas from which something to be successful
- grievance (noun) – complaint, protestation, protest, criticism, problem, objection.
- instrument (noun) – medium, means, factor, channel, vehicle, apparatus, mechanism.
- federalism/federal framework/system (noun) – a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government.
- confidence building measures/mechanisms (noun) – confidence-building measures (CBMs) are planned procedures to prevent hostilities, to avert escalation, to reduce military tension, and to build mutual trust between countries.
- wanton (adjective) – deliberate, intentional, conscious, done on purpose, knowing, purposeful.
- moot (verb) – propose, present, put forward, introduce, suggest.
- pave (verb) – facilitate, make easy, clear (the way for), create a situation to do something,
- pave the way for (phrase) – clear the way for, make preparations for, put things in order for.
- measure (noun) – course of action, proceeding, action, step, procedure.
- remiss (adjective) – remiss negligent, neglectful, careless, heedless, unmindful, lax, inattentive, disregardful
- follow up (phrasal verb) – pursue, go with, carry on, look into, check out, analyze, delve into, inquire into.
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The Hindu Editorial (Emergency exit) – Jan 11, 2025:
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