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The Hindu Editorial (Digital disconnect) – Sep 10, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Digital disconnect) – Sep 10, 2020

The full report of the NSO’s survey of ‘Household Social Consumption on Education in India’, for July 2017-June 2018,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Digital disconnect) – Sep 10, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Digital disconnect) – Sep 10, 2020:

  1. disconnect (noun) – a lack of connection.
  2. digital divide (noun) – the gap between the people who access computer/the internet and those who don’t access them.
  3. bridge (verb) – make a difference smaller; join, link, connect, unite.
  4. National Statistical Office (NSO) (noun) – The National Statistical Office is the state statistical agency set up by an Act of the Parliament, India, Statistical Services Act (Chapter 386) 1980, responsible for collecting, compiling and disseminating official statistical information on a regular and timely basis.
  5. household (noun) – family, house.
  6. Household Social Consumption on Education (noun) – The main objective of survey on Household
    Social Consumption: Education was to build indicators on participation of the persons of age 3 to 35 years in the education system, expenditure incurred on education of the household members and various indicators of those currently not attending education (i.e., for the persons who never enrolled or ever enrolled but currently not attending education). Besides, for persons of age 5 years and above, information was collected on ability to operate computer, ability to use internet and use of internet during last 30 days.
  7. highlight (verb) – underline, underscore, emphasize, call attention to.
  8. state (noun) – condition.
  9. disparity (noun) – imbalance, inequality, variation.
  10. glaring (adjective) – obvious, visible, apparent, flagrant, blatant.
  11. strata plural form of stratum (noun) – level, class, echelon/rank.
  12. chasm (noun) – a clear difference between two people/groups’ thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc; divergence, disunion, gulf, void, gap.
  13. the privileged (noun) – wealthy, rich, affluent people.
  14. the deprived (noun) – the poverty-stricken, the underprivileged, the disadvantaged.
  15. broadband policy (noun) – The Broadband Policy, 2004 was laid down by the Government of India in order to realize the potential of broadband services. It aimed at enhancing the quality of life by implementation of tele-education, tele-medicine, e-governance, entertainment and also to generate employment through high speed access to information and web-based communication.
  16. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  17. stark (adjective) – clear, distinct, evident, obvious, striking.
  18. modest (adjective) – small, limited, scanty, meagre.
  19. unimpressive (adjective) – ordinary, average, common.
  20. still (adverb) – until now, even now.
  21. milieu (noun) – environment, background, atmosphere.
  22. in the absence (phrase) – due to unavailability of something.
  23. academic (adjective) – educational.
  24. reliability (noun) – dependability, sureness, trustability.
  25. power deficit (noun) – power shortage.
  26. offline (adjective) – not connected to the internet.
  27. acknowledge (verb) – admit, accept, recognize, realize.
  28. address (noun) – speech, talk, discourse.
  29. optical fibre cable (noun) – optical fibre cable is used by many telecommunications companies to transmit telephone signals, Internet communication and cable television signals. Due to much lower attenuation (reduction of the amplitude of a signal) and interference (fading or disturbance of received radio signal), optical fiber has large advantages over existing copper wire in long-distance, high-demand applications.
  30. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, reveal, exhibit.
  31. enhanced (adjective) – increased, upgraded, improved.
  32. evidently (adverb) – obviously, palpably, seemingly, apparently.
  33. successive (adjective) – consecutive, succeeding.
  34. drop the ball (phrase) – make a mistake/error, mishandle; fail to do something, miss an opportunity.
  35. alacrity (noun) – readiness, eagerness, willingness.
  36. big leap (noun) – major change, transformation; sudden development, advance, breakthrough.
  37. deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage, slippage, failure.
  38. deal a blow (phrase) – harm, upset, or shock someone.
  39. make up for (phrase) – offset, balance, neutralize, even up; compensate for, make amends for.
  40. prioritise (verb) – make a point of, highlight, call attention to (something as very important).
  41. map (verb) – outline, plan, work out (the details of something).
  42. in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of some event, especially an unpleasant one; aftermath, as a consequence of.
  43. leverage (verb) – use, make use of, utilize (to maximum gain).
  44. refurbish (verb) – modernize, improve, recondition, revamp.
  45. front (noun) – a particular situation (or) front line, vanguard, combat zone.
  46. gigabit (noun) – a measure of storage capacity and data transfer; One gigabit (abbreviated “Gb”) is equal to one billion (109) bits.
  47. wireless fibre (noun) – wireless fibre is the name of the new generation’s microwave transmission. Signals are communicated wirelessly from point to point between the directional antennae in the far distance.
  48. leapfrog (noun) – jumping over; improvement, advancement quickly (skipping over some stages in the process).
  49. inaccessible (adjective) – unreachable, out of reach, beyond reach.
  50. (radio) spectrum (noun) – it refers to a range of radio-waves that are used for communication purposes.
  51. contentious (adjective) – controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed.
  52. look at (phrasal verb) – study, analyse, scrutinize.
  53. possibility (noun) – chance, probability.
  54. go into (phrasal verb) – research, study, analyse, review, explore.
  55. overdrive (verb) – work hard (till you  feel very tired/exhausted).


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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