The Hindu Editorial (Designation failure) – Jun 20, 2022
There is a sense of déjà vu about China’s decision on June 16 to block the UN Security Council designation of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) deputy chief Abdul Rahman Makki as a terrorist,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Designation failure) – Jun 20, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Designation failure) – Jun 20, 2022:
- designation (noun) – classification, identification, classing, labelling, tagging.
- block (verb) – stop, bar, prevent.
- tag (noun) – label, designation, identification.
- build on (phrasal verb) – add detail to, expand on, enlarge on, develop, enhance.
- cross-border (adjective) – across a border between two states/countries.
- fora plural form of forum (noun) – meeting, gathering, conference.
- déjà vu (noun) – the expression is derived from the French, meaning “already seen”; this expression can make you feel like you’ve known someone before (or) been somewhere before (or) experienced something before.
- UN Security Council (UNSC) (noun) – it is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, charged with ensuring international peace and security.
- given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
- pile (noun) – a large amount of something.
- considerable (adjective) – substantial, sizeable, large, significant.
- command (noun) – authority, domination, influence.
- designated (adjective) – identified, recognized, classified, named.
- shura (noun) – The word ‘shura‘ is an Arabic word literally means ‘consultation’; a consultative council or assembly.
- serve (verb) – perform, do, discharge.
- prosecute (verb) – take to court, bring an action against, take legal action against, accuse, charge.
- tried past and past participle of try (verb) – to examine and decide a case in a law court and to determine legally the guilt (or innocence) of a person.
- sentence (verb) – punish, convict; impose a sentence on, pronounce sentence on.
- imprisonment (noun) – incarceration, custody, confinement.
- ruling (noun) – judgement, decision, sentence, verdict, order.
- overturn (verb) – reverse, overrule, nullify/cancel.
- involvement (noun) – participation, taking part, engagement.
- decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
- forces (noun) – troops; armed forces, soldiers.
- Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India.
- designated (adjective) – identified, recognized, classified.
- Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) (noun) – a person or entity that has been designated as such by the United States Department of State.
- convict (verb) – punish, sentence; impose a sentence on, pronounce sentence on.
- proposal (noun) – plan, motion, proposition, submission, recommendation.
- UN resolution (noun) – United Nations resolution is formal expression of the opinion or will of United Nations organs. It is a decision or declaration voted on by all member states of the United Nations and it usually requires a simple majority (50 percent of all votes plus one) to pass.. Although any UN body can issue resolutions, in practice most resolutions are issued by the Security Council or the General Assembly.
- UNSC resolution 1267 (1999) (noun) – it was adopted unanimously on 15 October 1999. The Council designated Osama bin Laden and associates as terrorists and established a sanctions regime to cover individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and/or the Taliban wherever located.
- overwhelming (adjective) – very large, huge; very strong.
- move (noun) – step, action, act, measure.
- place a hold (phrase) – to order that something is to be kept for a specific time.
- as much as (phrase) – even though; almost.
- regrettable (adjective) – undesirable, unfortunate, disappointing, distressing.
- growing (adjective) – increasing.
- acrimony (noun) – hostility, enmity, bitterness, rancour, resentment.
- bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries.
- tension (noun) – strained relations; strain, stress, pressure, unease.
- last-minute (adjective) – careless, disorganized, unmethodical, unsystematic, thoughtless, inattentive, heedless, hasty, hurried.
- hold (noun) – control, grip, dominance, influence.
- listing (noun) – classifying, categorizing, registering.
- even as (phrase) – while, whilst, as, at the time that, during the time that.
- Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (noun) – The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. The inter-governmental body sets international standards that aim to prevent these illegal activities and the harm they cause to society.
- credit (verb) – ascribe, attribute, assign, acknowledge (publicly).
- grey/watch list (noun) – a list of countries on observation due to their “strategic deficiencies” in countering terror-financing and money-laundering. The countries put on the grey/watch list by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) will be subjected to direct monitoring and intense scrutiny by the International Co-operation Review Group (ICRG) on terror financing.
- on-site (adjective) – happening or situated at a particular place or site.
- coincidence (noun) – co-occurrence, coexistence, conjunction, simultaneity.
- objection (noun) – protest, complaint, dispute, dissent, opposition, resistance.
- loophole (noun) – ambiguity in the law; flaw/fault, defect.
- notable (adjective) – important, significant, marked, striking, glaring, obvious.
- as a result of (phrase) – owing to, due to, because of.
- thus far (phrase) – so far, yet, still, up till now, up to now, until now.
- charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment.
- carry out (phrasal verb) – conduct, perform, implement, execute, discharge, bring about.
- pursuance (noun) – seeking of, search for, pursuit of; effecting, pursuing, doing.
- systematically (adverb) – methodically.
- derail (verb) – obstruct, impede, hinder, hamper, block, interrupt, thwart, stop, restrict.
- geopolitical (adjective) – relating to (the study of) the geographical factors (a country’s position on the earth, size, climate, and natural resources &, etc.) in world politics and inter-state relations.
- consideration (noun) – factor, issue, point, concern, matter.
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The Hindu Editorial (Designation failure) – Jun 20 2022:
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