The Hindu Editorial (​​Democratic departure) – Jul 23, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​Democratic departure) – Jul 23, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Democratic departure) – Jul 23, 2024:

  1. departure (noun) – withdrawal, exit, leaving, quitting.
  2. convention (noun) – conference, meeting, gathering, forum.
  3. bow out (phrasal verb) – withdraw from, resign from, retire from, step down from, stop participating in, pull out of, give up, quit.
  4. race (noun) – contest, competition; election (in this context).
  5. open up (phrasal verb) – make something available or make something accessible.
  6. incumbent (adjective) – current, existing, present (holder, bearer or occupant of an office).
  7. nominee (noun) – candidate.
  8. endorse (verb) – support, back, approve of, advocate, champion.
  9. running mate (noun) – the person who runs with someone in an election (such as an election to choose a new president) and who is given the less important position (such as vice president) if they are elected.
  10. ticket (noun) – a list of candidates propose by a party in an election.
  11. Democrat (noun) – (in the US) a member or supporter of the Democratic Party; liberal.
  12. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
  13. step down (phrasal verb) –  resign, retire, quit, stand down, give up, renounce, leave (a job/position)
  14. gaffe (noun) – a careless & embarrassing remark or act made in public; blunder, mistake, error, fault, slip-up, faux pas, blooper.
  15. fumble (verb) – an act of doing or handling something awkwardly & carelessly; mishandling, mistake, error, gaffe, fault, slip up.
  16. off guard (phrase) – by surprise.
  17. catch someone off guard (phrase) – surprise someone by doing something they do not expect.
  18. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  19. campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
  20. chair (noun) – chairperson, convener, spokesperson, leader.
  21. resolute (adjective) – determined, purposeful, resolved, single-minded, strong-minded.
  22. stance (noun) – point of view, viewpoint, position, perspective, opinion, attitude.
  23. baffle (verb) – puzzle, perplex, bewilder, mystify, confuse, confound.
  24. lawmaker (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly/council/congress); legislator, elected representative.
  25. toe-to-toe (phrase) – (of two people) fighting with each other very strongly/determinedly in a close and direct confrontation (competition).
  26. Republican (noun) – (in the US) a member or supporter of the Republican Party (also referred to as the GOP); conservative, right winger. Grand Old Party (GOP) refers to the Republican Party.
  27. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  28. make way for (modal verb) – to provide an opportunity/chance for someone else; move aside, stand back, clear the way.
  29. chance (noun) – possibility, hope, opportunity, prospect.
  30. delegate (noun) – representative, spokesperson, agent.
  31. ultimately (adverb) – eventually finally, at last, in the end.
  32. odds (noun) – chance, likelihood, probability; advantage, lead/edge.
  33. increasingly (adverb) – more and more, steadily more, continuously more, gradually more.
  34. person of colour (noun) – it is primarily used in the United States to describe any person who is not considered white.
  35. run against (phrasal verb) – encounter, face, confront, be faced with, come up against, bump into.
  36. run (verb) – stand as a candidate in an election.
  37. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding, concerning, with reference to.
  38. favour (verb) – support, back, approve of, endorse, advocate.
  39. next in line (noun) – successor, inheritor, heir.
  40. constitution (noun) – body of law; system of rules; regulations, fundamental principles, charter. 
  41. succession (noun) – the right of inheriting a position, title, etc; inheritance, elevation.
  42. likely (adverb) – probably, potentially, possibly, presumably, conceivably, perhaps, may be.
  43. flip side (noun) – other side, opposite side, other hand; wrong side, downside, drawback, disadvantage, pitfall.
  44. relatively (adverb) – comparatively, somewhat, reasonably, in a certain degree, more or less.
  45. figure (noun) – person, individual, personality.
  46. label (verb) – describe, pronounce, name, categorize.
  47. custodian (noun) – guardian, protector, defender; supporter, backer, promoter,  protector, defender, proponent, champion.
  48. left wing (adjective) – liberal, socialist; radical, reforming, revolutionary.
  49. espousal (noun) – adoption, acceptance, embracing, taking up.
  50. reproductive rights (noun) – Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health.
  51. in the face of (phrase) – when confronted with, against; despite, notwithstanding, regardless of.
  52. ruling (noun) – decision, pronouncement, verdict, judgement, decree.
  53. constitutional (adjective) – legal, lawful, legitimate.
  54. constitutional (adjective) – relating to something as per the Constitution.
  55. abortion (noun) – medical termination of pregnancy.
  56. suggest (verb) – indicate, denote, point to, signify.
  57. approval rating (noun) – a measure of people’s approval of a political leader.
  58. rung (noun) – level, rank, position, order, grade, step, place, degree, stage, status.
  59. nevertheless (preposition) – despite, notwithstanding, in spite of, nonetheless, in any case.
  60. quarter (noun) – community, section, side.
  61. scenario (noun) – situation, background, context.
  62. factional (adjective) – involving a group within a larger group.
  63. infighting (noun) – hidden conflict between small groups (factions) within a larger one, especially in politics.
  64. frontrunner (noun) – expected winner, probable winner.
  65. best-case scenario (noun) – any situation which could not be any better; the best possible outcome.
  66. on firm footing (phrase) – to be in a safe situation; well supported.
  67. win over (phrasal verb) – convince, satisfy, prevail (on or upon), persuade, influence, attract, get round.
  68. swing State (noun) – it refers to any (U.S) state that could reasonably be won by either the Democratic or Republican presidential candidate by a swing in votes. “Red state” refers to states of the United States whose voters predominantly choose Republican Party (red) presidential candidates where as “blue state” refers to states of the United States whose voters predominantly select Democratic Party (blue) presidential candidates.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​Democratic departure) – Jul 23, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​Democratic departure) – Jul 23, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​Democratic departure) – Jul 23, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​Democratic departure) – Jul 23, 2024

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