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The Hindu Editorial (Debatable indictment) – Apr 01, 2023

The Hindu Editorial (Debatable indictment) – Apr 01, 2023

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The Hindu Editorial (Debatable indictment) – Apr 01, 2023:

  1. debatable (adjective) – arguable, questionable, at issue, open to question.
  2. indictment (noun) – a formal written accusation by a grand jury that a person has committed a serious crime; charge, arraignment, allegation, incrimination.
  3. polarise (verb) – separate into two opposing groups.
  4. dramatic (adjective) – significant, important, sudden & striking.
  5. turn of events (noun) – occurrence, happening, circumstance, incident.
  6. indict (verb) – (by a grand jury) to formally accuse a person that he/she has committed a serious crime; charge, arraign, allege, incriminate.
  7. jury (noun) – judges, tribunal, board, judge, the Judge, committee, panel, prosecutor and court.
  8. hush money (noun) – payment, payout, reward (given to someone to keep the information secret).
  9. under seal (phrase) – (of documents) filed in a closed envelope.
  10. the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
  11. erstwhile (adjective) – old, previous, former, then.
  12. attorney (noun) – lawyer, legal practitioner, legal adviser, counsel, advocate.
  13. apparently (adverb) – seemingly, evidently, it appears (that), ostensibly.
  14. on behalf of (noun) – as a representative of, at the behest of, in the name of.
  15. go public (phrase) – reveal (private) details. 
  16. consensual (adjective) – relating to consensus/consent; in agreement with those who involved.
  17. extramarital (adjective) – (particularly of sexual relationships) taking place outside of a marriage.
  18. encounter (noun) – meeting, contact, rendezvous.
  19. reimburse (verb) – compensate, refund, repay.
  20. pass off (phrasal verb) – falsely represent, misrepresent.
  21. falsification (noun) – misrepresentation, misreporting, misstatement, manipulation.
  22. misdemeanour (noun) – a crime punishable by fines or short-time imprisonments.
  23. offence (noun) – crime, illegal act, breach of the law, violation of the law, wrongdoing, act of misconduct, misdeed.
  24. felony (noun) – (a more serious) crime punishable by long-term imprisonments. 
  25. prosecute (verb) – take to court, bring an action against, take legal action against, accuse, charge.
  26. onus (noun) – responsibility, duty, burden.
  27. District Attorney (DA) (noun) – the chief prosecutor representing a U.S. state in a local government area, typically a county.
  28. falsified (adjective) – fake, forged, manipulated, counterfeited.
  29. bookkeeping (noun) – the practice of keeping systematic records of financial transactions. (auditing, accounting, balancing the books).
  30. in question (phrase) – at issue, for debate, under consideration, under discussion.
  31. falsify (adjective) – fake, forge, manipulate, counterfeit.
  32. cover up (phrasal verb) – conceal, hide, camouflage, gloss over, whitewash, paper over.
  33. speculation (noun) – conjecture, supposition, prediction, guesswork, surmise, opinion, presumption, assumption.
  34. rife (adjective) – widespread, general, common, extensive, prevalent, ubiquitous, omnipresent, everywhere, present everywhere.
  35. cite (verb) – refer to, make reference to, mention, point to.
  36. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment.
  37. potential (adjective) – possible, likely, probable.
  38. violation (noun) – breach, contravention, infringement, breaking, non-observance.
  39. campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
  40. campaign finance laws (noun) – laws, in the U.S, that regulate the amounts of money political candidates or parties may receive from individuals or organizations.
  41. prosecution (noun) – legal actionlegal proceeding, legal case.
  42. behest (noun) – instructioncommand, order, demand, insistence.
  43. liable (adjective) – responsible, accountable, answerable.
  44. federal (adjective) – (in the US) relating to the system of government (both a national government and governments of the 50 states) as defined in the Constitution which is based on the separation of powers among three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial branch.
  45. monies (noun) – plural form of money.
  46. disclose (verb) – reveal, release, make public, make known.
  47. transparently (adverb) – directly/clearly, straightforwardly, undoubtedly, precisely.
  48. subject to (adjective) – put through, treat with, lay open to, submit to.
  49. weight (noun) – importance, significance, substance.
  50. compelling (adjective) – convincing, powerful, strong, credible, well founded.
  51. underlie (verb) – be the cause of, be the basis of, be the fundamental of.
  52. Democrat (noun) – (in the US) a member or supporter of the Democratic Party (also referred to as the DEM); liberal.
  53. score a self-goal (phrase) – (figuratively) do something that has the unintentional effect of hurting your own interests.
  54. on the scanner (phrase) – under investigation or examination.
  55. the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) (noun) – The United States Department of Justice, also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the United States government tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States.
  56. incite (verb) – stir up, trigger, foment, instigate, provoke.
  57. insurrection (noun) – coup, uprising, rebellion, putsch; civil unrest/disorder.
  58. withholding (noun) – denial to give something back that is due/pending.
  59. classified (adjective) – (officially) private, personal, intimate, secret.
  60. demit (verb) – withdraw from, resign from, retire from, step down from.
  61. reliance on (noun) – confidence in, dependence, belief in.
  62. end up (phrasal verb) – finish up, turn up, come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end).
  63. blowback (noun) – unexpected (bad & harmful) outcomes; negative consequences/results/reactions of an action or decision (particularly, of a political action).
  64. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  65. partisanship (noun) – prejudice, bias, one-sidedness, partiality, sectarianism, discrimination, unfairness, injustice.
  66. every ounce of something (phrase) – all available emotions.
  67. political capital (noun) – it refers to the goodwill, trust and influence that politicians earn or build up with the public through the pursuit of policies that people like or respect.
  68. persecution (noun) – oppression, victimization, harassment.
  69. witch hunt (noun) – it means to find and punish people believed to be evil- even if they were not. It does also mean an unfair campaign by one side against its political opponents.
  70. favour (verb) –  support, back.


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