The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous conflagration) – Jul 28, 2021
Following a dangerous and avoidable escalation of an otherwise dormant border dispute, five policemen and a civilian from Assam were killed in the Mizo border town of Vairengte… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous conflagration) – Jul 28, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous conflagration) – Jul 28, 2021:
- conflagration (noun) – flames, blaze, fire, firestorm, inferno.
- clash (noun) – confrontation, brush, fight, conflict, skirmish.
- escalation (noun) – intensification, aggravation, exacerbation.
- dormant (adjective) – inactive, inoperative.
- civilian (noun) – ordinary citizen.
- counterpart (noun) – someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another; equivalent, equal, fellow.
- skirmish (noun) – fight, conflict, clash, confrontation.
- snowball (verb) – increase, rise, escalate rapidly.
- point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote.
- machinery (noun) – system, apparatus, structure.
- empower (verb) – authorize, allow, permit.
- de-escalate (verb) – diminish, lessen, decrease, dwindle.
- paramilitary (adjective) – (of semi-militarized force) organized like a military force.
- forces (noun) – troops.
- curiously (adverb) – mysteriously, surprisingly, unexpectedly.
- besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart from.
- ally (noun) – partner, supporter, confederate.
- convenor (noun) – chief, head.
- bonhomie (noun) – friendliness, warmth, geniality/affability.
- tamp down (phrasal verb) – reduce, press down, compress.
- status quo (noun) – a Latin phrase meaning the existing state of affairs, particularly with respect to social or political issues; the present situation, the current state.
- fact-finding (adjective) – (of a committee) inquiry, inspection, examination, analysis.
- allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.
- seek (verb) – ask for, request, demand, appeal.
- intervention (noun) – mediation, arbitration, conciliation, peacemaking.
- farcical (adjective) – ridiculous, preposterous, absurd, laughable.
- means (noun) – way, method, mode.
- along with (phrase) – together with, accompanying.
- resolution (noun) – solution, settlement.
- inter- (prefix) – between.
- hardened (adjective) – firm, tough, inflexible.
- stance (noun) – position, approach, standpoint.
- deploy (verb) – (of forces/troops) employ, move into position for (action).
- casualty (noun) – victim, fatality, mortality; death, loss.
- sectarian (adjective) – dogmatic, extreme, inflexible, fanatical.
- tribalism (noun) – loyalty, allegiance, fidelity, reverence/respect.
- bane (noun) – torment, affliction, burden.
- underdevelopment (noun) – it is low level of development characterized by low real per capita income, widespread poverty, lower level of literacy, low life expectancy and underutilisation of resources, etc.
- catalyst (noun) – stimulus, motivation, fillip, encouragement.
- knotty (adjective) – complex, complicated, intricate.
- sure-shot (adjective) – certain to get success (as promised).
- spirit (noun) – attitude, intention, state of mind, essense; motivating force.
- give and take (phrase) – compromise, concession.
- civic (adjective) – government, public.
- engagement (noun) – participation, taking part, involvement, contribution.
- broker (verb) – negotiate (a deal/agreement).
- condone (verb) – approve, sanction, justify, vindicate, endorse.
- of any kind (phrase) – of any sort, whatsoever, whatever, at all.
- restrain (verb) – control, regulate, restrict, prevent.
- partisan (noun) – supporter, follower, adherent, champion, backer.
- resort to (noun) – use, utilization, recourse.
- one-upmanship (noun) – the way of behaving in which a person attempts to get an advantage by appearing superior to/better than another person (a friend/opponent); boastfulness, showing off, self-promotion, attention-seeker.
- prolong (verb) – lengthen, make longer, extend, protract.
- harden (verb) – toughen, desensitize, inure, make tough.
- subject to (adjective) – conditional on, contingent on, dependent on, depending on, controlled by.
- de-escalation (noun) – reduction, lessening, decrease (the intensity of a potentially violent situation).
- prevail (verb) – exist, be in existence, be present, be prevalent.
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The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous conflagration) – Jul 28, 2021

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