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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Coordinated attacks) – Aug 28, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Coordinated attacks) – Aug 28, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​Coordinated attacks) – Aug 28, 2024:

  1. coordinated attack (verb) – a series of attack coming from many sides all at once.
  2. conflict (noun) – dispute, quarrel, tussle, wrangle, strife, friction, antipathy, hostility, clash.
  3. militaristic (adjective) – belligerent, aggressive, combative, hawkish, warmongering, warlike.
  4. host (verb) – receive/entertain other people as guests.
  5. forces (noun) – armed forces, troops, soldiers.
  6. neighbouring (adjective) – adjacent, bordering, abutting, surrounding; nearby.
  7. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something.
  8. province (noun) – a part of a country that has its own government; territory, region, area, state, 
  9. landmass (noun) – continent; a large area of land.
  10. hotbed (noun) – bastion, stronghold; fortress, fort.
  11. separatist (adjective) – dissident, dissenting, nontraditional, sectarian, renegade, schismatic.
  12. insurgency (noun) – uprising, revolt, rebellion.
  13. the new normal (phrase) – an earlier unusual situation that becomes a standard now.
  14. bloodiest superlative adjective of bloody (adjective) – vicious, cruel, savage, fierce, brutal.
  15. separatist (noun/adjective) – extremist, radical, rebel, insurgent, dissident, protester, nonconformist, sectarian.
  16. carry out (phrasal verb) – conduct, perform, execute, bring about.
  17. claim (verb) – say that one owns, lay claim to.
  18. official (noun) – officer, functionary, office-bearer, office-holder.
  19. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure or framework that a country or organization needs in order to function properly. For a whole nation, it includes all the physical systems such as buildings, roads & railways networks, utilities, etc.
  20. execute (verb) – put to death, kill, hang, behead.
  21. migrant (noun) – a person who moves from one region to another – either within a country or across national borders in order to find work or better living conditions.
  22. growing (adjective) – increasing.
  23. reach (noun) – the extent something’s  effect/influence.
  24. intelligence (noun) – (military/political) information, facts, details, particulars.
  25. catch someone off guard (phrase) – to do something that surprises someone, particularly when he/she is expecting it; take someone by surprise.
  26. ruthless (adjective) – harsh, cruel, severe, vicious, merciless, hard-hearted, brutal, barbaric, savage.
  27. militarist (adjective) – relating to militarism.
  28. militarism (noun) – the belief or the desire of a government or a people that a state should maintain a strong military capability and to use it aggressively to expand national interests and/or values.
  29. impoverished (adjective) – poor, poverty-stricken, penurious, destitute, weakened, disadvantaged, underprivileged, deprived.
  30. neglect (verb) – abandon, leave alone, fail to look after, fail to care for, derelict, forsake.
  31. on the other hand (phrase) – instead, alternatively, contrarily.
  32. influential (adjective) – powerful, strong, dominant, authoritative, important, prominent.
  33. prosperous (adjective) – successful, prospering, thriving, booming, wealthy.
  34. lead to (verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, result in, produce, give rise to.
  35. tendency (noun) – movement.
  36. section (noun) – a particular group within a larger body of people.
  37. exploit (verb) – take advantage of, make use of, utilize, capitalize on, cash in on, draw on, milk.
  38. drum up (phrasal verb) – gather, get, obtain, attract, canvass.
  39. cause (noun) – principle, ideal, belief, conviction, purpose, objective, aim, goal.
  40. federalism/federal framework/system (noun) – a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government.
  41. extract (verb) – take out, remove, draw out, squeeze out.
  42. cite (verb) – refer to, make reference to, mention, point to.
  43. corridor (noun) – a strip/swathe of land linking two areas (particularly by a road).
  44. Economic Corridor (noun) – Economic corridors connect economic agents along a defined geography and region. They are integrated networks of infrastructure within a geographical area designed to stimulate economic development. They may be developed within a country or between countries.
  45. go through (phrasal verb) – pass through, pass over, go over.
  46. exploitation (noun) – unfair treatment, ill treatment, abuse, suppression, oppression, repression, victimization, enslavement.
  47. interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
  48. the establishment (noun) – the government, the regime, the authorities, the administration, the powers that be.
  49. establishment (noun) – a powerful group within a particular area of activity.
  50. engage (with) (verb) – participate in, take part in, take part in, join in, become involved in, involve (a talk/discussion).
  51. civil rights (noun) – the rights of individuals to be protected against unfair treatment based on certain personal characteristics like race, gender, age, or disability
  52. movement (noun) – campaign, crusade, drive, push.
  53. sit-in (noun) – a method of protest in which people gather in a (public) place and remain there protesting continuously until their demands are fulfilled.
  54. draw (noun) – attract, invite.
  55. attention (noun) – notice, observation, heedfulness, consideration, regard.
  56. draw attention to (phrase) – emphasize, highlight, accentuate, underline, underscore, give emphasis to, lay stress on, call attention to, focus on, zero in on
  57. authorities (noun) – bureaucracy, officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the administration, the establishment, the system, corridors of power.
  58. human rights (noun) – human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status.
  59. abuse (noun) – ill treatment, exploitation, misuse, persecution, oppression.
  60. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political change or cause; (or societal change/cause).
  61. paint (verb) – portray, render, represent, depict.
  62. underscore (verb) – emphasize, underline, highlight, accentuate, point up, call attention to, focus attention on.
  63. measure (noun) – action, step, move, procedure.
  64. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  65. violation (noun) – contravention, infringement, breach, breaking, lack of compliance with, non-observance, defiance.
  66. voice (noun) – agency, agent, representative, intermediary, channel, medium (by which a point of view is expressed).
  67. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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