The Hindu Editorial (Common man’s revenge) – Feb 10, 2025
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The Hindu Editorial (Common man’s revenge) – Jan 10, 2025:
- revenge (noun) – retaliation, vengeance, retribution, tit for tat, counter-attack.
- (Legislative) Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
- welfarism (noun) – the principles, policies, practices, and social attitudes of a welfare state.
- sidestep (verb) – avoid, evade, get past, bypass, dodge, circumvent, steer clear of, get round.
- ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology).
- divide (noun) – difference, disagreement (between groups/people).
- outcome (noun) – conclusion, development, result, aftermath, consequence, implication.
- expansion (noun) – growth, development, evolution.
- force (noun) – party, outfit, group, unit.
- swept away past tense of sweep away (phrasal verb) – destroy, abolish, eradicate, remove (something) completely.
- signify (verb) – indicate, denote, point to, suggest.
- landscape (noun) – the distinctive features of a field of activity.
- governance (noun) – government, administration, regime.
- root in (verb) – firmly established, entrenched, ingrained; have as an origin or cause.
- appeal (noun) – attraction, interest, charisma, drawing power, fascination.
- transition (verb) – change, shift.
- movement (noun) – campaign, crusade, drive, push.
- entity (noun) – organization, establishment, outfit, unit.
- captivate (verb) – fascinate, intrigue, engross, tantalize, lure, divert, be of interest to.
- rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
- establishment (noun) – a powerful group within a particular area of activity; organization, entity, outfit, unit.
- synonymous with (adjective) – closely associated with.
- reckless (adjective) – careless, thoughtless, incautious, heedless.
- populism (noun) – policies that supposedly represent the opinions of ordinary people.
- cynical (adjective) – dubious, doubtful, distrustful, suspicious, questioning, sceptical, mistrustful, disbelieving, unconvinced.
- increasingly (adverb) – more and more, steadily more, continuously more, gradually more.
- coarse (adjective) – discourteous, impolite, uncivilized, ill-mannered, offensive, dirty, filthy.
- discourse (noun) – discussion, conversation, communication, expression.
- sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- consolidate (verb) – strengthen, reinforce, fortify; bring together, unite, merge, combine.
- unchecked (adjective) – unrestrained, unconstrained, uncontrolled, unrestricted, unbridled, uncontainable, rampant, runaway.
- credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, integrity.
- erode (verb) – (gradually) reduce, undermine, weaken, spoil, deteriorate, wear out.
- blow (noun) – setback, misfortune; shock, surprise.
- allegation (noun) – accusation, charge, indictment.
- surface (verb) – emerge, appear, transpire, come to light, come up, crop up, materialize.
- culminate (verb) – end with, finish with, terminate with, conclude with, come to an end with.
- revelation (noun) – disclosure, communication, declaration, release, publishing, unveiling.
- refurbish (verb) – modernize, rebuild, renovate, revamp, recondition, remodel, overhaul.
- expose (verb) – reveal, disclose, lay bare, unveil, show, display, exhibit, manifest, highlight, pinpoint.
- contradiction (noun) – conflict, difference, disagreement, paradox, incongruity, mystery, discrepancy.
- ideals (noun) – beliefs, principles, ideas, ideology, dogma.
- integrity (noun) – honesty, probity, uprightness, morality; unity, coherence, cohesion, undividedness, togetherness, solidarity.
- in tatters (phrase) – shattered, destroyed; ruined, in disarray.
- decisive (adjective) – definite, absolute, conclusive, determining.
- infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure or framework that a country or organization needs in order to function properly. For a whole nation, it includes all the physical systems such as buildings, roads & railways networks, utilities, etc.
- civic (adjective) – municipal, metropolitan; government, public.
- civic (adjective) – relating to a city, town or local area and also relating to the duties or activities of people living there.
- amenity (noun) – facility, utility, service.
- score (verb) – get, gain, win, achieve, attain.
- grip (noun) – control, stranglehold, domination (over something).
- heartland (noun) – the most important part of a field of activity; the central part of something.
- reinforce (verb) – strengthen, fortify, toughen, make stronger, bolster, buttress.
- dynamics (noun) – basic/fundamental cause or force that triggers change within a system.
- setback (noun) – problem, difficulty, blow, issue, impediment, hindrance, obstruction.
- strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
- secure (verb) – obtain, acquire, gain, get.
- captive (adjective) – beguiled, bewitched, charmed, enthralled, fascinated, hypnotized.
- base (noun) – a group of people considered as supporting an organization/party.
- falter (verb) – become weak, lose strength, lose momentum; to stop being successful; hesitate, delay, stall, be undecided, be indecisive;
- broadly (adverb) – in general, on the whole, mainly.
- downfall (noun) – defeat, collapse, decline, overthrow, failure, destruction, elimination.
- implication (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion.
- assumption (noun) – supposition, presumption, expectation, speculation, guess, speculation, impression.
- unfounded (adjective) – groundless, baseless, unjustified.
- draw a blank (phrase) – fail, be unsuccessful, fail to get a result; unable to find something, not able to achieve something; unable to remember or think of anything at all.
- helm (verb) – head, chair, manage (an organization).
- bloc (noun) – alliance, group, association, union, coalition, partnership.
- front (noun) – an organized (political) group (OR) a particular situation.
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The Hindu Editorial (Common man’s revenge) – Jan 10, 2025:
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