The Hindu Editorial (City on edge) – Jun 14, 2019

The Hindu Editorial (City on edge) – Jun 14, 2019

The mass protests in Hong Kong this week against an extradition Bill the city legislative council is planning has brought the focus… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (City on edge) – Jun 14, 2019.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (City on edge) – Jun 14, 2019:

  1. on edge (phrase) – tense/nervous, apprehensive, uneasy/unsettled.
  2. extradition (noun) – the action of surrendering/handing over a fugitive (a person who has escaped from being confined/accused of crime) from one jurisdiction to another by mutual agreements between the two countries. deportation, handover, expulsion.
  3. underline (verb) – underscore, emphasize, highlight.
  4. champion (verb) – advocate, promote, support/uphold.
  5. suspect (noun) – suspected person, accused, defendant.
  6. accord (noun) – agreement, concord, contract.
  7. loophole (noun) – an ambiguity in the law; flaw/fault, defect.
  8. evade (verb) – elude, avoid, dodge/sidestep.
  9. refuge (noun) – protection, safety, place of shelter/place of safety, haven.
  10. influence (noun) – power, authority, leverage.
  11. the establishment (noun) – the powers that be, the authorities, the regime (exercising power and influence).
  12. activist (noun) – advocate, champion, supporter (of a political or societal change/cause).
  13. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote.
  14. abduction (noun) – kidnapping, hostage-taking.
  15. critic (noun) – censurer, attacker, fault-finder.
  16. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, dictatorial, totalitarian.
  17. expel (verb) – evict, deport, banish/exile.
  18. erode (verb) – (gradually) deteriorate, destroy, spoil.
  19. deepen (verb) – increase, intensify, escalate.
  20. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
  21. top-down (adjective) – hierarchical; controlled, directed, or organized from the top level.
  22. bid (noun) – attempt, effort, endeavour/try.
  23. stringent (adjective) – strict/stern, severe, tough/rigorous.
  24. trigger (verb) – give rise to, bring about, evoke/prompt.
  25. back down (phrasal verb) – reconsider, withdraw, give in.
  26. contradiction (noun) – disagreement, opposition, inconsistency; rebuttal/negation.
  27. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society.
  28. insistence (noun) – force, demand, compulsion/coercion.
  29. reach out (phrasal verb) – contact someone for help/assistance/cooperation.
  30. alleviate (verb) – reduce, control, mitigate/moderate.
  31. repression (noun) – suppression, oppression, domination.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from, narrow-mindedness
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-2 The Hindu Editorial (City on edge) – Jun 14, 2019:

The Hindu Editorial (City on edge) - Jun 14, 2019

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