The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021

The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the stage to address the UNSC on a debate on maritime security — the first Indian premier to do so — he might have hoped… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021.

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The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021:

  1. choppy waters (phrase) – this idiomatic expression is used to refer to troublesome, difficult or uncertain times ahead.
  2. maritime (adjective) – of or related to the sea.
  3. push for (phrasal verb) – demand, insist on, ask for, call for.
  4. ratification (noun) – formal consent; permission, approval, confirmation, acceptance (of a treaty/agreement).
  5. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (noun) – This convention provides the overarching framework for the governance of the oceans. It governs relations among countries on ocean-related issues. It outlines the rights and responsibilities countries have related to the use of the oceans, the seabed and their resources, and the protection of the ocean environment. This Convention was signed on 10 December 1982 and entered into force on 16 November 1994.
  6. take the stage (phrase) – to become the centre of attention; attract attention onto oneself.
  7. address (verb) – talk to, speak to, give a discourse to.
  8. UN Security Council (UNSC) (noun) – it is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, charged with ensuring international peace and security. 
  9. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
  10. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly).
  11. veer (verb) – change, deviate, diverge.
  12. trade (verb) – swap, exchange.
  13. barb (noun) – insult, sneer, jibe, cutting remark, affront, rebuff.  
  14. strategic (adjective) – relating to achieving long-term or overall goals.
  15. dissonance (noun) – incongruity, disagreement, disparity, discrepancy, contradiction.
  16. sphere (noun) – an area of activity; a field of activity; domain, realm.
  17. at the heart of (phrase) – at the most important part of.
  18. strident (adjective) – loud & harsh, forceful, discordant, vociferous, raucous.  
  19. counterclaim (noun) – a claim made against a (previous) claim.
  20. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.
  21. abuse (noun) – wrongdoing, misconduct, misdeed, offence/crime.
  22. disrespect (noun) – lack of respect, scorn, disregard, disdain.
  23. territorial (adjective) – relating to a particular territory (area/region).
  24. sovereignty (noun) – jurisdiction, supremacy, dominion, power, authority.
  25. on the one hand (phrase) – it is used to introduce the first of two contrasting different, points, facts, or ways of looking at something.  It is always followed later by “on the other hand” or ‘on the other’.
  26. credit (noun) – praise, admiration, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgement, recognition.
  27. bring to the table (phrase) – contribute/offer something (of high value) to a discussion.
  28. five-prong (adjective) – having five aspects/elements.
  29. barrier (noun) – blockade, hurdle, obstacle, stumbling block, impediment, hindrance.
  30. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, constitutional.
  31. non-state actor (noun) – an individual or organization that has significant political influence.
  32. actor (noun) – participants (in an action).
  33. state actor (noun) – a state actor is a person who is acting on behalf of a governmental body.
  34. preserve (verb) – sustain, conserve, protect, maintain.
  35. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
  36. legislative framework (noun) – legal structure/system.
  37. legislative framework for UNCLOS (noun) – The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (hereafter called UNCLOS”) sets out a comprehensive legal framework for all activities in the oceans and seas and has often been referred to as “a constitution for the oceans”. Therefore, other international ocean-related instruments as well as State party national laws, regulations, policies and institutional operations should be compliant with the provisions of UNCLOS and facilitative of its general aims and objectives.
  38. illicit (adjective) – illegal, unlawful, against the law.
  39. at the helm (phrase) – in charge, in command/control/authority; in the driving seat.
  40. sustained (adjective) – continuous, constant, steady, prolonged, persistent.
  41. interest (noun) – common concern, priority, involvement.
  42. Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) vision (noun) – India’s strategic vision for the Indian Ocean. SAGAR seeks to differentiate India’s leadership from the modus operandi (method of working) of other regionally active major powers and to reassure littoral (coastal) states as India’s maritime influence grows.
  43. momentum (noun) – driving power, strength, impetus.
  44. tension (noun) – strained relations, strain, unease.
  45. regarding (preposition) – concerning, with regard/respect to, with reference to.
  46. decry (verb) – criticize, denounce, condemn.
  47. vessel (noun) – ship, yacht, boat.
  48. provocative (adjective) – annoying, irritating, agitational, inflammatory.
  49. advance (verb) – promote, support, encourage; suggest, propose, put forward.
  50. intimidate (verb) – frighten, threaten, scare, overawe, discourage.
  51. bully (verb) – persecute, oppress, coerce, browbeat, intimidate.
  52. strait (noun) – a narrow sea passage (connecting two seas); channelstretch of water.
  53. hit out (phrasal verb) – criticize, attack, denounce, lash out, castigate.
  54. aggressive (adjective) – hostile, belligerent, bellicose, hawkish, combative.
  55. commerce (noun) – business, trade.
  56. brief (adjective) – of short duration.
  57. adroit (adjective) – clever, skilful, adept, dexterous, deft.
  58. squabble (adjective) – quarrelling, arguing, fighting, disagreeing, disputing, clashing.
  59. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt; ask for, demand.
  60. resolution (noun) – solution, settlement.
  61. deride (verb) – ridicule, mock, make fun of, insult.
  62. lack (verb) – be without.
  63. teeth (noun) – genuine power.
  64. enforcement (noun) – imposition, implementation, execution.
  65. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all-embracing, complete, thorough.
  66. assert (verb) – declare, announce, pronounce, state firmly.
  67. consistent (adjective) – in agreement with, agreeing, in line with, conforming to.
  68. rules-based (adjective) – based on a predetermined set of principles.
  69. world/international/global order (noun) – the arrangement of power and authority that provides the system for the conduct of diplomacy and world politics in relation to the entire world.
  70. advocate (verb) – support, back, uphold, champion, promote, espouse, endorse, urge.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021

The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021
The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021
The Hindu Editorial (Choppy waters) – Aug 11, 2021

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