The Hindu Editorial (Change in status) – Apr 12, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Change in status) – Apr 12, 2023:
- tag (noun) – label, identity, designation, description.
- divergent (adjective) – different, differing, varying; conflicting, contrasting, contradictory.
- fortune (noun) – success, welfare, well being.
- electoral democracy (noun) – it describes a democratic government based on a system that enables all citizens to select one candidate from a list of competitors for political office. The process is called an election. Each citizen becomes a voter who casts a secret ballot with their choices.
- first-past-the-post (phrase) – it is an electoral system in which a candidate with the most votes in each constituency wins and becomes the MP/MLA for that seat.
- prevail (verb) – exist, be in existence, be present, be prevalent.
- result in (verb) – lead to, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
- duopoly (noun) – it is used to describe any market where two firms dominate.
- outlier (noun) – a person/thing detached from the main group.
- largely (adverb) – substantially, considerably, significantly.
- federal (adjective) – relating to a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government.
- set-up (noun) – system, structure, organization, framework.
- diversity (noun) – existence/presence of different people (from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives ranging from race to age to gender to hometown to educational experience) within group; variety, variance, difference.
- led past participle of lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
- flowering (noun) – growing, blossoming, flourishing, thriving; development, growth, advancement.
- salient (adjective) – important, main, major, primary, notable.
- milieu (noun) – context, background, backdrop; environment, atmosphere.
- creditable (adjective) – commendable, praiseworthy, laudable.
- emerge out (phrasal verb) – come out, appear, become known.
- popular (adjective) – widespread, general, prevalent, prevailing; accepted/established.
- civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors. It refers to a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labour unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations. Civil society – sometimes called the “third sector” (after government and commerce) – has the power to influence the actions of elected policy-makers and businesses.
- tenure (noun) – term, time, period.
- notch up (phrasal verb) – score, achieve, attain/record.
- register (verb) – record.
- threshold (noun) – it is an amount, level, or limit of something. Once the threshold is reached, something else happens or changes; lower limit, starting point, point of entry.
- recognition (noun) – (formal) acknowledgement, acceptance, admission.
- distinguishing (adjective) – distinctive, differentiating, special. exclusive, particular.
- force (noun) – group, party, outfit.
- accolade (noun) – commendation, acclaim, applause, praise, recognition.
- lack (noun) – absence, unavailability, non-existence; shortfall, deficiency, shortage, deficit.
- coherent (adjective) – logical, reasonable, rational, well organized, systematic, clear.
- ideology (noun) – principle, standard, criterion, morality, ethics, belief.
- tack (verb) – change direction, change course, go about.
- right (phrase) – supporting right-wing/conservative views.
- opportune (adjective) – favourable, advantageous, suitable, appropriate, pertinent.
- left (phrase) – supporting left-wing/liberal views.
- at times (phrase) – occasionally, sometimes, now and then.
- inchoate (adjective) – unclear, confused; disordered.
- at best (phrase) – only, simply, but, nothing but.
- secularism (noun) – the belief that religion should not have a strong influence in education or other public parts of society.
- tokenist (adjective) – relating to the practice or policy of making symbolic efforts to impress (minority) people and the people to think that the organisation is dealing with problems fairly but actually it is not.
- in practice (phrase) – in reality, actually, in real life, realistically, practically, effectively.
- in the long run (phrase) – eventually, in the end, ultimately.
- in decline (phrase) – declining, decreasing, becoming worse (gradually).
- decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
- consequence (noun) – implication, result, outcome, ramification, repercussion.
- alliance (noun) – association, union, partnership.
- ally (noun) – partner, supporter, confederate.
- necessitate (verb) – require, publicly ask, call for, demand.
- split (noun) – division, rift, break-up, partition.
- better off (phrase) – successful, well placed, in a privileged/fortunate position.
- cohesion (noun) – unity, togetherness, solidarity, coherence.
- difference (noun) – difference of opinion, disagreement, dispute, quarrel.
- high command (noun) – commander-in-chief, head, leader, boss.
- evolve (verb) – develop, progress, advance.
- relatively (adverb) – comparatively, to a certain extent, somewhat.
- hostile (adjective) – attacking, combative, belligerent, confrontational.
- posture (noun) – position, approach, attitude, standpoint, view.
- foray (noun) – a brief & active attempt to get involved in a new activity/sphere.
- render (verb) – cause to be/become, make.
- fruitless (adjective) – ineffective, unproductive, unrewarding.
- relative (adjective) – reasonable, considerable, some.
- no longer (phrase) – not anymore.
- at the expense of (phrase) – loss, sacrifice, cost.
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The Hindu Editorial (Change in status) – Apr 12, 2023:

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In most electoral democracies, where the first-past-the-post system prevails, competition results mostly in a duopoly, but India has been an outlier. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Change in status) – Apr 12, 2023.