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The Hindu Editorial (Chance and change) – Jan 18, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Chance and change) – Jan 18, 2022

Since the last Assembly election in 2017, Punjab politics has changed considerably, though the issues that throttled the State then continue to do so even now. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Chance and change) – Jan 18, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Chance and change) – Jan 18, 2022:

  1. burning (adjective) – important, significant, crucial, critical, pressing, urgent.
  2. considerably (adverb) – substantially, significantly, markedly, noticeably, very much, a lot.
  3. throttle (verb) – suppress, control, restrict, stifle.
  4. endemic (adjective) – widespread, prevailing, usual, common, general, extensive, ubiquitous.
  5. abuse (noun) – misuse, misapplication, exploitation. 
  6. liquor (noun) – alcoholic drink.
  7. debt (noun) – financial obligation, outstanding payment, amount due, money owing, dues, arrears, debits, charges.
  8. depleting (adjective) – exhausting, emptying, draining, reducing, decreasing, diminishing, lessening. 
  9. haunting (adjective) – evocative, emotive, powerful, stirring, affecting, moving, touching.
  10. thumping (adjective) – enormous, huge, massive, tremendous;  decisive, conclusive, striking, impressive, outstanding.
  11. triangular (adjective) – three-sided, three-cornered.
  12. entrant (noun) – new member, newcomer.
  13. arena (noun) – sphere, area, field of activity.
  14. culprit (noun) – offender, wrongdoer, criminal, lawbreaker.
  15. sacrilege (noun) – desecration, blasphemy, irreverence/disrespect (to sacred things), irreligiousness, godlessness, unholiness.
  16. power purchase agreement (PPA) (noun) – A Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) is generally the primary contract between the public and private sector parties which underpin a power sector public-private partnership (PPP). Put simply, it is a contract between a government agency and a private utility (electricity supplying) company.
  17. limited (adjective) – meagre, scanty, sparse, insubstantial.
  18. accuse of (verb) – charge with, indict for, prosecute for.
  19. soft (adjective) – lenient, sympathetic, not strict, easy-going, tolerant, forgiving, forbearing, generous.
  20. helm (verb) – be in charge, be in command, be in authority/position.
  21. boot out (phrasal verb) – dismiss, throw out, get rid of, discharge.
  22. salvage (verb) – rescue, save, restore; retain, preserve, conserve; recover, retrieve, reclaim.
  23. fortunes (noun) – (successful) circumstances, state of affairs, condition; chance, luck, success.
  24. end up (phrasal verb) – come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end).
  25. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption.
  26. stomp (verb) – crush/squash, step, treat heavily; kick someone out, throw out someone forcefully.
  27. narcissistic (adjective) – self-loving, self-centred, egotistic.
  28. trail (noun) – path, way, track, course.
  29. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
  30. stature (noun) – reputation, standing, status, position.
  31. elevation (noun) – promotion, rise. 
  32. chance (adjective) – accidental, fluky, unplanned, unexpected, unintended.
  33. circumstances (noun) – situation, conditions, factors, context.
  34. in a bind (phrase) – in a difficult situation.
  35. perk up (phrasal verb) – cheer up, brighten, energize, revive.
  36. structure (noun) – arrangement, system, framework.
  37. largely (adverb) – to a large/great extent.
  38. panthic (adjective) – referring to any group or community or society that follows the path established by the Sikh Gurus.
  39. champion (verb) – advocate, promote,  defend, protect, uphold, support, back, espouse.
  40. listless (adjective) – slow, lethargic/sluggish; lifeless/spiritless.
  41. contraption (noun) – mechanism, apparatus, invention, device.  
  42. alliance (noun) – association, union, partnership.
  43. inspire (verb) – give rise to, lead to, result in, bring about, cause
  44. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context.
  45. Farm Acts, 2000 (noun) – Farm Acts, 2000 refer to three agricultural bills passed by Indian Parliament in September 2020. The three acts are “The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 (FPTC Act) allows farmers to sell their harvest outside the notified Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) mandis without paying any State taxes or fees”, “the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 facilitates contract farming and direct marketing”, and “the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 deregulates the production, storage, movement and sale of several major foodstuffs, including cereals, pulses, edible oils and onion, except in the case of extraordinary circumstances”.
  46. as many as (phrase) – considerable, substantial, large (number of).
  47. join hands (phrase) – work together with.
  48. sell (verb) – promote, win someone over, persuade/convince someone to accept, get support for.
  49. governance (noun) – administration, rule.
  50. bid (noun) – attempt, effort, endeavour/try.
  51. shower (verb) – provide a large number of things to (someone).
  52. dole (noun) – allowance, donation, offering, contribution, handout.
  53. credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, dependability.
  54. be one’s own worst enemy (phrase) – to behave in a way (that is against your own interests) and it also causes problems for yourself.  
  55. feel someone’s pulse (phrase) – find out the general mood or opinion of someone.
  56. open field (noun) – a lack of opposition/competition.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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