The Hindu Editorial (Central point) – Oct 12, 2023
Madhya Pradesh, which is in the geographical centre of India, will likely witness a straight contest between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress in the Assembly election in November… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Central point) – Oct 12, 2023.
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The Hindu Editorial (Central point) – Oct 12, 2023:
- mobilisation (noun) – the act of bringing forces/people/resources together for a particular cause.
- counter to (adverb) – against, in opposition to, contrary to.
- communalism (noun) – adherence/obedience to one’s own ethnic group (against the principle/practice of living together in wider society).
- likely (adverb) – possibly, presumably, probably, potentially.
- defection (noun) – desertion, absconding, decamping.
- usurp (verb) – seize a position of power by force (or without legal right); take over, expropriate, appropriate, commandeer, wrest, grab, claim, steal
- overcome (verb) – control, prevail over, deal with.
- anti-incumbency (noun) – a situation which is against elected officials currently in power; discontent against ruling government/ party in power.
- accumulate (verb) – gather, amass, garner, increase, multiply.
- deft (adjective) – delicate, skillful, adept, impressive, efficient, finely judged.
- move (noun) – action, act, step, measure.
- in the event of something (phrase) – if something happens.
- field (verb) – nominate, propose, put up (a candidate) to stand in an election.
- enthusiasm (noun) – zeal, energy, eagerness, keenness, willingness, readiness.
- fatigued (adjective) – tired, tired out, worn out, exhausted, weary, overtired, drained.
- cadre (noun) – members of a (political) group.
- strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
- deemphasise (verb) – make light of, gloss over, underemphasize, downplay, understate.
- turn the spotlight on (phrase) – to call attention to something.
- image (noun) – public impression, persona, identity, reputation, stature, fame.
- campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
- tribespeople (noun) – people who belong to a tribe.
- lay claim to/over (phrase) – say officially that something is belonging to you.
- sole (adjective) – only, lone.
- spokesperson (noun) – promoter, champion, representative, mouthpiece.
- identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality.
- identity politics (plural noun) – it is also called as identitarian politics, refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify. Identity politics is when people of a particular race, ethnicity, gender, or religion form alliances and organize politically to defend their group’s interests.
- manifest (verb) – display, show, exhibit, demonstrate, present, reveal, express.
- landmark (noun as modifier) – historical monument.
- nurse (verb) – treat, cure, heal, attend to.
- wound (noun) – distress, trauma, anguish, pain, suffering.
- split (noun) – division, partition, rift, rupture, separation, break-up.
- setback (noun) – problem, difficulty, issue.
- in one’s favour (phrase) – to one’s advantage.
- defector (noun) – a person who abandons a cause or organization usually without right.
- fold (noun) – a group of people who share common views/beliefs; community, body.
- balance of power (phrase) – stability in a system composed of a number of autonomous forces. Whenever the equilibrium is disturbed either by an outside force or by a change in one or the other elements composing
- translate (verb) – change, convert, transform.
- dividend (noun) – benefit, advantage, reward, gain, yield, proceeds.
- shed (verb) – lose, drop, get rid of, discard, throw out.
- weight (noun) – load, burden, pressure.
- affairs (noun) – concerns, matters, activities.
- defer to (verb) – yield, submit, give way, give in, surrender, comply with, agree with, capitulate, acknowledge.
- in command (phrase) – be in charge, be in authority, to have control of something.
- command (verb) – receive, get, obtain, secure, be given.
- following (noun) – a body of supporters/adherents; body of support, backing, patronage.
- heft (noun) – influence, ability; weight/strength.
- uncharacteristic (adjective) – unusual, uncommon, unconventional.
- plunge (noun) – dive, fall, tumble, nosedive, slump.
- on test (phrase) – currently being tested.
- considerable (adjective) – sizeable, significant, substantial; much.
- sniper (noun) – someone who shoots from a concealed place accurately and at a long distance.
- bipolar (adjective) – having two extremities.
- walk a tightrope (phrase) – to deal with a difficult situation in which a very small error could have very bad outcomes.
- instinctively (adverb) – automatically, spontaneously, naturally, involuntarily .
- resort to (phrasal verb) – utilize, use, employ, make use of, take/have recourse to.
- on the back foot (phrase) – in a defensive position, off balance, at a disadvantage.
Note :
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.
The Hindu Editorial (Central point) – Oct 12, 2023:

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