The Hindu Editorial (Buying free speech) – Apr 27, 2022
After buying Twitter for $44 billion, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk made a pitch for free speech. “I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter,” he tweeted, “because that is what free speech means”… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Buying free speech) – Apr 27, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Buying free speech) – Apr 27, 2022:
- free speech (noun) – the right to express one’s opinions publicly (without any restraint).
- do away with (phrasal verb) – abolish, quash, get rid of, discard, remove, eliminate, discontinue, cancel, stop, end, terminate.
- safeguard (noun) – protection, defence, security, safety measure.
- hate speech (noun) – abusive or disrespectful speech.
- entrepreneur (noun) – businessman, businesswoman, business person.
- make a pitch (phrase) – say/do something in support of someone or something.
- critic (noun) – criticizer, censurer, castigator, attacker, fault-finder.
- liken something/someone to (verb) – compare, equate, corelate, match.
- matter (noun) – content, subject matter, substance.
- humanity (noun) – human beings, humankind, the human race.
- influential (adjective) – powerful, strong; significant, important.
- certainly (adverb) – surely, definitely, unquestionably.
- ironic (adjective) – strange, unexpected, odd, paradoxical.
- considering (preposition) – taking (something) into consideration; in view of; taking into account; in the light of.
- qualm (noun) – misgiving, doubt, reservation, second thought, worry, concern, hesitation, reluctance, apprehension.
- aggressively (adverb) – forcefully, fiercely, strongly, assertively, decidedly, determinedly, firmly, resolutely.
- interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business); involvement, preference.
- bully (verb) – pressure, pressurize, intimidate, coerce, strong-arm, force, compel.
- put the/a spotlight on (phrase) – to draw/bring attention to something; highlight, accentuate, underscore, underline.
- inability (noun) – lack of ability, incapability, incapacity, powerlessness, impotence, helplessness.
- convincingly (adverb) – credibly, believably, clearly.
- come across (phrase) – seem, appear, look, give the impression of being; be perceived, get through, be understood, be comprehended, be taken in.
- healthy (adjective) – beneficial, good, active.
- indulge in (verb) – become involved in (an undesirable activity).
- play (noun) – enjoyment, pleasure; functioning, activity.
- authorities (noun) – officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the bureaucracy, the system.
- put in (phrasal verb) – submit, present, (something formally); request, seek, ask for, apply for something formally.
- withhold (verb) – hold back, keep back, stop; check, suppress, repress, restrain.
- offensive (adjective) – hostile, attacking, aggressive, threatening; objectionable, displeasing, provocative, provoking, humiliating.
- abuse (noun) – mistreatment, maltreatment, ill treatment, exploitation.
- disinformation (noun) – fake news, made-up story, false information, lie, falsehood.
- unleash (verb) – let loose, release, let something go uncontrollably.
- perception (noun) – understanding, discernment, recognition/realization; interpretation.
- move (noun) – step, action, act, measure.
- make a point of (phrase) – put emphasis on.
- at times (phrase) – sometimes, occasionally, from time to time, now and then.
- interested (adjective) – partisan, partial, biased, prejudiced, one-sided, preferential, discriminatory.
- rather than (phrase) – instead of.
- disinterested (adjective) – unbiased, unprejudiced, impartial, neutral, non-partisan, non-discriminatory, uninvolved, dispassionate, impersonal.
- inconsistency (noun) – unpredictability, inconstancy, lack of consistency, changeableness, variability, instability, irregularity, unevenness.
- label (verb) – categorize, classify, describe, identify.
- suffice (verb) – be enough, be sufficient, be adequate.
- keenly (adverb) – interestingly, enthusiastically, eagerly.
- ideology (noun) – beliefs, ideals, principles, doctrine; system of belief, set of principles.
- a light touch (phrase) – the capability to tackle something tactfully.
- moderate (verb) – regulate, control; mediate, judge.
- in doubt (phrase) – doubtful, uncertain, open to question, unsure, unconfirmed, undecided, undetermined.
- gray area (noun) – an unclear situation (a situation in which it is tough to judge what is right/wrong).
- perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.
- necessarily (adverb) – inevitably, certainly, surely.
- in favour of (phrase) -in support of; on the side of.
- algorithm (noun) – the list of instructions and rules that a computer needs to do to complete a task.
- open source (noun) – it refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible.
- spam bot (noun) – a computer program that helps to spread spam (i.e. irrelevant or inappropriate messages) across the Internet.
black and white (adjective) – categorical, unequivocal, absolute, uncompromising, unconditional, unqualified, unambiguous, clear, clear-cut, positive, straightforward, definite, definitive.
- vantage point (noun) – it means a position from which you can see things well; point of view, viewpoint, standpoint, opinion, position, way of thinking, outlook, perspective, angle.
- for (conjunction) – because, since.
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The Hindu Editorial (Buying free speech) – Apr 27, 2022:

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