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The Hindu Editorial (Bulldozer on the loose) – Jun 16, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Bulldozer on the loose) – Jun 16, 2022

The demolition of houses and buildings linked to protesters in Uttar Pradesh is nothing but retribution and collective punishment targeted at Muslims. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Bulldozer on the loose) – Jun 16, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Bulldozer on the loose) – Jun 16, 2022:

  1. on the loose (phrase) – unconfined, unrestrained, unrestricted; set free, let loose, untied. 
  2. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political change or cause; (or societal change/cause); campaigner, protestor, radical.
  3. rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
  4. nothing but (phrase) – only, simply, but.
  5. retribution (noun) – revenge, vengeance, retaliation, an eye for an eye, tit for tat.
  6. collective punishment (noun) – a form of sanction/ban imposed on persons or a group of persons in response to a crime committed by one of them or a member of the group.
  7. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
  8. conspirator (noun) – conspirer, plotter/schemer, intriguer.
  9. amply (adverb) – sufficiently, satisfactorily, (more than) enough.
  10. demonstrate (verb) – indicate, show, display, reflect, disclose.
  11. fig leaf (noun) – (figuratively) something that is used to hide an embarrassing situation or problem; disguise, camouflage, cover-up, shield, facade, veneer.
  12. claim (noun) – assertion, profession, affirmation, avowal, allegation.
  13. Prayagraj Development Authority (noun) – Prayagraj Development Authority was constituted by the Government under Section-4 of the Uttar Pradesh Town Planning and Development Act on 20 August 1974 by the Government’s release dated 09-08-1974 to solve the complex housing problem arising out of the pressure of this growing population. Under Section-5 of the said Act, the government’s release dated 09.08.1974 has been declared as a development area up to 8 km outside the limits of the municipality.
  14. clear (verb) – evacuate, empty, remove.
  15. blow away (phrasal verb) – defeat decisively/emphatically.
  16. the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a particular situation under consideration/discussion.
  17. address (verb) – send, direct, mail, communicate.
  18. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, claim.
  19. serve (verb) – give out, present, provide, make available.
  20. backdate (verb) – have an earlier date mentioned in (a document) than the actual date. 
  21. brush aside (phrasal verb) – disregard, ignore, dismiss, shrug off, pass over, put aside.
  22. well-known (adjective) – familiar, common, customary, conventional, established.
  23. encroachment (noun) – intrusion, infiltration, incursion, trespass, invasion.
  24. due process (phrase) – (equally and fairly) correct process; fair treatment.
  25. accommodation (noun) –  housing, place, place to stay, shelter.
  26. rehabilitation (noun) – the action of bringing (someone or something) back to a normal.
  27. bother (verb) – worry, trouble, concern; feel concerned about, interested in.
  28. allegedly (adverb) – reportedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently.
  29. (the) accused (noun) – litigator, opponent in law, opponent, disputant, claimant, complainant, appellant.
  30. in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of some event, especially an unpleasant one; in the aftermath of, as a consequence of, on account of, because of, owing to.
  31. controversial (adjective) – emotive, sensitive, delicate; contentious.
  32. suspended (adjective) – removed, eliminated, expelled, evicted.
  33. the prophet (noun) – a person who is believed to be sent by God to Earth (to say the things that God wants to tell people).
  34. sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  35. brook (verb) – tolerate, allow, accept (something like dissent/difference of opinion).
  36. disrespect (noun) –  lack of respect, lack of civility, irreverence; contempt, scorn, disdain, dislike.
  37. send out (phrasal verb) – give out, announce, deliver.
  38. message (noun) –  a significant (political) point.
  39. well-established (adjective) – well known, recognized, acknowledged.
  40. belong to (verb) – be associated with, be connected to, be linked to.
  41. stringent (adjective) – strict, severe, extreme, rigorous.
  42. element (noun) – a group of people of a particular kind within a larger group.
  43. portray (verb) – describe, depict, outline, characterize.
  44. defining (adjective) – decisive, determining, deciding.
  45. convoluted (adjective) – complicated/confused, complex, intricate.
  46. take pride in (phrase) – to be proud of, to take satisfaction in.
  47. symbolise (verb) – illustrate, demonstrate, represent.
  48. purported (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, reported, ostensible.
  49. resolve (noun) – determination, willpower, firmness, resolution, courage.
  50. keep in check (phrase) – to keep someone under control; stifle, restrain, hold back.
  51. status quo (noun) – the present situation, the current state, the existing state of affairs.
  52. appeal to (verb) – ask, request, petition, apply to.
  53. suo motu (phrase) – Latin term means “on its own motion”. It is used where a government agency acts on its own knowledge.
  54. cognisance (noun) – awareness, notice, knowledge, perception.
  55. (take) cognisance of (phrase) – notice, attend to, take into account, give attention to.
  56. amount to (verb) – be equal to, be equivalent to, be tantamount to, represent.
  57. abuse (noun) – misuse, misapply, misemploy, mishandle.
  58. challenge (noun) – confrontation with, dispute with, stand against, test of, opposition, disagreement with.
  59. inherently (adverb) – naturally, intrinsically, innately, essentially, basically, fundamentally.
  60. due to (phrase) – as a result of, owing to, because of.
  61. absence (noun) – lack, non-existence, unavailability. 
  62. proportionality (noun) – the quality of being in relation to severity, quantity, degree, period of something; proportion, correlation.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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