The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022

If the elevation of Charanjit Singh Channi as Chief Minister in September 2021 was an accidental outcome of internal rivalries in the Congress,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022.

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The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022:

  1. gamble (noun) – risk, risky action, venture, chance (taken with the hope of victory).
  2. projection (noun) – the presentation of someone in a specific method.
  3. force on (phrasal verb) – to cause (someone/something that is not desired) to be welcomed/taken by (someone else).
  4. elevation (noun) – promotion, rise. 
  5. accidental (adjective) – chance, fluky, unplanned, unexpected, unintended.
  6. outcome (noun) – result, consequence,, conclusion.
  7. rivalry (noun) – competition, opposition, conflict, discord, friction, enmity.
  8. reticent (adjective) – reserved, introverted, restrained, uncommunicative/close-lipped.
  9. project (verb) – present, promote.
  10. plea (noun) – claim, explanation, defence, justification.
  11. collective (adjective) – combined, united/joint, cooperative (by all people as a group).
  12. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
  13. necessitate (verb) – make necessary, require, need.
  14. volatile (adjective) – unpredictable, turbulent, uncertain, inconstant.
  15. dynamic (noun) – basic/fundamental cause/factor or force that triggers change within a system.
  16. social dynamics (noun) – the basic/fundamental factors that have an effect on social change/transformation.
  17. entrench (verb) – establish something firmly; anchor, settle, embed.
  18. entrenched (adjective) – fixed, set firm, firm, established, well established.
  19. alignment (noun) – alliance, partnership, coalition, affiliation.
  20. unravel (verb) – fall apart, come apart, fail, collapse, go wrong; undo, untie.
  21. knit (verb) – unite, join, combine, merge (together).
  22. viable (adjective) – reasonable, practical, logical, sensible, effective.
  23. axis (noun) – a central part.
  24. dominance (noun) – domination, superiority, authority, influence. 
  25. shy away from (phrasal verb) – avoid, recoil, withdraw nervously (due to fear/surprise/pain/dislike).
  26. pronounced (adjective) – noticeable, marked, strong, conspicuous, striking, distinct, prominent, notable.
  27. social justice (noun) – the equal access to wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. 
  28. in that sense (phrase) – from that point of view.
  29. audacious (adjective) – bold, adventurous, fearless, confident.
  30. move (noun) – step, action, act, measure.
  31. ripple effect (noun) – an event (or a process/action) that causes several other events to happen indirectly one after the other; secondary/indirect effect, consequence/implication, chain of events.
  32. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
  33. drive (verb) – cause something to happen; prompt.
  34. accommodative (adjective) – accommodating, friendly, cooperative, agreeable, amenable.
  35. evidently (adverb) – obviously, palpably, seemingly, apparently.
  36. resistance (noun) – opposition, refusal, disinclination, reluctance, confrontation, defiance.
  37. homogeneous (adjective) – uniform, identical/unvarying, similar.
  38. cluster (verb) – congregate, gather, collect, group, come together, assemble (a group of people/things considered as a unit).
  39. sects (noun) – (religious) group.
  40. belong to (verb) – be a member of, be affiliated to, be associated with, be connected to, be linked to.
  41. minuscule (adjective) – very small, insignificant, negligible.
  42. galvanise (verb) – to cause someone to take action by exciting or shocking them; stimulate, encourage, inspire, stir, arouse, prompt, shock/stun.
  43. aspiration (noun) – desire, hope, urge, wish.
  44. overlook (verb) – neglect, ignore, disregard, turn a blind eye.
  45. open question (noun) – an undetermined/undecided thing.
  46. deserve (verb) – be entitled to, have a right to, earn, merit, warrant, justify, be worthy of.
  47. track record (noun) – previous performance, previous accomplishments, previous achievements.
  48. ingredient (noun) – constituent, part, component, element.
  49. prominence (noun) – standing, position, repute, importance, influence.
  50. in all likelihood (phrase) – very likely, most likely, very probably.
  51. set off (phrasal verb) – give rise to, cause, lead to, bring about, prompt.
  52. considerable (adjective) – sizeable, substantial, appreciable, significant; much, a lot of.
  53. segments (noun) – part, portion, section, constituent.
  54. inflame (verb) – provoke, intensify, incite; incense, anger, infuriate, exasperate.
  55. resentment (noun) – bitterness, indignation, irritation, displeasure, dissatisfaction, discontentment.
  56. corner (verb) – gain control of, gain dominance of, take over, control, dominate.
  57. accuse of (verb) – charge with, indict for, prosecute for.
  58. play (verb) – do, take part in, participate in, engage in, be involved in.
  59. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
  60. concerns (noun) – anxiety, worry, disquiet, apprehension.
  61. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Bold gamble) – Feb 08, 2022

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