The Hindu Editorial (Blaring red) – Jun 30, 2022
The gruesome killing of Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur in Rajasthan by two persons who have apparently acted in defence of their Islamic faith has, far from offering any reassurance to their community, made it even more vulnerable. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Blaring red) – Jun 30, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Blaring red) – Jun 30, 2022:
- blare (verb) – to make a loud noise, shout loudly.
- blaring (adjective) – clamouring, roaring, screaming, yelling, shouting, outcrying, proclaiming, protesting.
- red (noun) – something which is dangerous.
- mark (verb) – indicate, signify, represent, denote.
- (take a) turn for the worse (phrase) – get worse, grow worse, worsen, deteriorate.
- gruesome (adjective) – horrible, grim, dreadful/terrible.
- apparently (adjective) – supposedly, seemingly, allegedly, it appears/seems that.
- defence (noun) – protection.
- faith (noun) – religion, religious belief, belief/ideology.
- far from (phrase) – not, not at all; nowhere near, a long way from.
- reassurance (noun) – consolation, comfort, solace, compassion.
- vulnerable (adjective) – relating to a weak/neglected person who is in need of special care/support.
- premeditated (adjective) – planned, intentional, pre-planned, calculated.
- point to (phrasal verb) – indicate, suggest, signal, signify, denote, reveal.
- volcano (noun) – a situation that can flare up to anger/violence.
- climb up (verb) – rise, increase, intensify.
- relentless (adjective) – constant, continuous, non-stop, unceasing; determined, resolute, purposeful, dogged, single-minded, tireless, adamant.
- campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group.
- cohort (noun) – group of people (within a particular category/classification).
- pathetically (adverb) – woefully, miserably, poorly.
- anchor (noun) – announcer, anchorman, anchorwoman, broadcaster, reporter.
- alacrity (noun) – readiness, promptness, swiftness, speed.
- trial (noun) – court case, judicial proceedings, legal action.
- exemplary (adjective) – (of a punishment given to someone) serving as a warning; serving as a deterrent.
- deserve (verb) – justify, be worth, be qualified for, have a right to.
- credit (noun) – praise, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgement, recognition, kudos.
- swift (adjective) – prompt, rapid, immediate, quick.
- alive to (adjective) – alert to, aware of, conscious of, mindful of, heedful of.
- deteriorating (adjective) – worsening, aggravating, intensifying, compounding.
- hostility (noun) – enmity, bitterness, rancour, resentment.
- appeal (noun) – plea, urgent request.
- contrary (noun) – opposite, reverse, inverse, antithesis.
- on the contrary (phrase) – conversely, in contrast, just the opposite.
- accuse (verb) – blame, criticize, denounce, condemn, charge.
- appeasement (noun) – conciliation, pacification, reconciliation; satisfaction, fulfilment.
- in reference to (phrase) – in relation to, with regard to, on the subject of, in the matter of; as regards.
- be at the receiving end (phrase) – be subjected to something (criticism/attack).
- discriminatory (adjective) – prejudicial, biased, partisan, unfair.
- potentially (adverb) – possibly, conceivably, maybe.
- trigger (verb) – cause, give rise to, lead to, be the cause of, bring about, generate, prompt.
- condone (verb) – approve, sanction, justify, vindicate, endorse.
- arm (noun) – branch, section, department, division, wing, sector, agency, organ.
- perpetrator (noun) – someone who does immoral, harmful, and illegal activity; offender, criminal, wrongdoer/evil-doer, culprit.
- clamour (noun) – protest, complaint, outcry/commotion.
- collective (adjective) – common, shared, joint, combined.
- collective punishment (noun) – a form of sanction/ban imposed on persons or a group of persons in response to a crime committed by one of them or a member of the group.
- for instance (phrase) – for example.
- uneven (adjective) – one-sided, unequal, unfair, unjust, inequitable, lopsided, biased, prejudiced, skewed.
- application (noun) – implementation, use, administration, discharge, execution, putting into operation/practice.
- led to past of lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to, produce.
- disenchantment (noun) – disappointment, dissatisfaction, discontent.
- the state (noun the government, the administration, the regime, the authorities, the Establishment.
- high-handedness (noun) – heavy-handedness, arrogance, domineering action, overbearing behavior, imperiousness.
- seek (verb) – ask for, request, solicit, beg for, petition for, appeal for; try to obtain.
- remedy (noun) – solution, answer, antidote/panacea.
- grievance (noun) – complaint, criticism, objection, protestation, charge, protest, problem.
- citizenry (noun) – all the people/citizens (of a place/country considered as a whole).
- rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
- chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption.
- anarchy (noun) – lawlessness, absence of government, disorder, mobocracy, mayhem.
- self- (prefix) – by one’s own action.
- perpetuate (verb) -cause to continue something indefinitely, particularly a bad situation, an attitude/idea/belief, etc.; keep going, keep in existence, extend/prolong.
- cost (noun) – loss, suffering, drawback, disadvantage.
- needless to say (phrase) – of course, as you would expect, obviously, clearly.
- wait in the wings (phrase) – be active & ready to do something if you are given an opportunity/chance.
- chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying.
- tale (noun) – narrative, anecdote, report, account.
- merit (noun) – good point, strong point, value, virtue, worthiness, goodness.
- constitutional (adjective) – legal, lawful, legitimate.
- constitutional (adjective) – relating to something as per the Constitution.
- niceties (noun) – (precise) details, particulars, specifics, subtleties; finer points..
- equality (noun) – equality is simply defined as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities; equal rights, equal opportunities, non-discrimination.
- dial down (phrasal verb) – reduce, lessen, decrease (the intensity of something).
- frenzy (noun) – madness, wildness, insanity, uncontrolled excitement/behaviour.
- avowedly (adverb) – openly, mentioned/admitted publicly.
- proclaim (verb) – declare, announce, pronounce, state (officially/publicly).
- fall into (phrasal verb) – go into a a particular state/situation; start doing something unknowingly; to become involved in something unintentionally.
- cauldron (noun) – unstable situation, uncertainty (with motions).
- endemic (adjective) – widespread, prevailing, usual, common, general, extensive, ubiquitous.
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context.
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The Hindu Editorial (Blaring red) – Jun 30, 2022:

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