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The Hindu Editorial (An air-tight case) – Aug 28, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (An air-tight case) – Aug 28, 2020

A year and a half after the dastardly terror attack on a Central Reserve Police Force convoy in Pulwama that killed 40 personnel,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (An air-tight case) – Aug 28, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (An air-tight case) – Aug 28, 2020:

  1. air-tight (adjective) – indisputable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, undeniable.
  2. charge sheet (noun) – an official document on which a police officer enters details of the charge against a person.
  3. dastardly (adjective) – wicked/evil, cruel, heinous, wrongful.
  4. convoy (noun) – a group of vehicles or ships that are traveling together usually for protection.
  5. personnel (noun) – staff, employees, workforce.
  6. National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central Counter Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror attack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008.
  7. piece together (phrasal verb) – put together/assemble, join, unite.
  8. minutiae (noun) – details, niceties/finer points, particulars.
  9. painstaking (adjective) – careful, thorough, meticulous.
  10. acknowledge (verb) – appreciate, recognize, realize; praise.
  11. perpetrator (noun) – someone who does immoral, harmful and illegal activity; offender, criminal, wrongdoer/evil-doer, culprit.
  12. in the works (phrase) – being planned, being done, under way.
  13. reconnaissance (noun) – examination, observation, preliminary survey, research/probe.
  14. indoctrination (noun) – the process of inculcating/teaching a person or a group of people a set of ideas/beliefs until they accept them without questioning.
  15. procure (verb) – obtain, acquire, get; buy/purchase.
  16. explosives (noun) – bombs.
  17. the establishment (noun) – the authorities, the system, the regime, bureaucracy.
  18. forensic (adjective) – relating to the application of scientific knowledge & methods to legal problems and legal proceeding.
  19. DNA analysis (noun) – it is an extremely powerful investigative technique that has become, in many ways, the standard by which other forensic sciences are measured.
  20. remains (noun) – corpse, dead body.
  21. battered (adjective) – damaged.
  22. thorough (adjective) – complete, total, out-and-out.
  23. retaliatory (adjective) – revenging, vengeful, avenging.
  24. breakdown (noun) – failure, collapse, disintegration.
  25. diplomatic (adjective) – (delicate & sensitive) consular, foreign-policy.
  26. ties (noun) – bond, association, relationship.
  27. deterioration (noun) – decline, collapse/failure degradation/breakdown.
  28. cross-border (adjective) – across a border between two countries.
  29. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually.
  30. keen on (adjective) – enthusiastic about, interested in, passionate about.
  31. deep state (noun) – shadow government; influential decision-making bodies believed to be within government and it can be any agencies (e.g., military or any other).
  32. proxy conflict/war/strike (noun) – a conflict/war/strike between two (countries/groups) instigated by opposing powers (powerful countries) who do not fight against each other directly.
  33. militancy (noun) – belligerency, combativeness, contentiousness/defiance (usually to support a cause).
  34. wane (verb) – decrease, decline, diminish/dwindle gradually.
  35. Valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it. Valley is a metonym of Jammu & Kashmir in this context (Metonym is used as an alternative for something else with which it is closely related/associated).
  36. alienation (noun) – isolation, detachment, estrangement/separation.
  37. set in (phrasal verb) – (of something unpleasant) begin, start, develop gradually.
  38. hollow out (verb) – remove, undermine, make pointless/useless, weaken/erode.
  39. bifurcation (noun) – division of something into two branches or parts.
  40. demotion (noun) – reduction, overthrow, overturning (status/rank).
  41. detention (noun) – custody, house arrest, restraint; imprisonment, confinement, incarceration.
  42. mainstream (noun) – something (certain beliefs/ideas/activities) which are accepted or recognized by most people as a normal or typical.
  43. deepen (verb) – increase/intensify; exacerbate, aggravate, inflame, worsen.
  44. entail (verb) – necessitate, make necessary, require.
  45. outfit (noun) – group, organisation.
  46. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  47. root (noun) – source, origin.
  48. recruit (noun) – new member, new entrant, newcomer.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
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