The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022

An impartial inquiry into a politically contested incident is always welcome. Earlier this month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s convoy was stranded on a flyover near Ferozepur in Punjab for about 20 minutes. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022:

  1. breach (noun) – contravention, violation, breaking, non-observance, infringement, transgression, neglect, dereliction.
  2. propaganda (noun) – the (deliberate & systemic) spreading of information (facts, ideas, rumours or lies) to influence public opinion.
  3. restrain (verb) – controlregulate, restrict, prevent.
  4. lapse (noun) – failure, mistake, blunder, oversight.
  5. impartial (adjective) – unbiased, non-partisan, disinterested, neutral, fair-minded.
  6. inquiry (noun) – investigation, particularly an official one.
  7. contested (adjective) – disputed, challenged.
  8. convoy (noun) – a group of vehicles or ships that are traveling together usually for protection.
  9. strand (verb) – leave (someone) without the ways to move from a place.
  10. stranded (adjective) – stuck (in difficulties), left without the ways to move; helpless, abandoned, deserted.
  11. take note (phrase) – pay attention, take heed, observe, bear in mind.
  12. potential (noun) – potentiality, possibility, chance, prospect.
  13. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided.
  14. committee (noun) – advisory body; committee, board, council, panel.
  15. National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror attack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008.
  16. official (noun) – officer, office-holder, office-bearer, administrator, executive.
  17. secure (verb) – obtain, get, acquire, find something with difficulty.
  18. constitute (verb) – initiate, create, form, set up.
  19. quietus (noun) – (something that has a peaceful) conclusion/end/dissolution.
  20. raging (adjective) – strong, severe, extreme, excessive, very great, inordinate.
  21. steer clear of (phrase) – keep away from, avoid, shun.
  22. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context.
  23. exploitable (adjective) – utilizable, capitalizable. 
  24. show-cause notice (noun) – a notice/order asking an individual/group of person to justify, explain, or prove something to the court/organisation.
  25. evoke (verb) – invoke, cause, give rise to, bring forth.
  26. resentment (noun) – bitterness, indignation, irritation, displeasure, dissatisfaction, discontentment.
  27. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  28. on hold (phrase) – postpone, put off, put back, hold off, defer, delay.
  29. disquieting (adjective) – distressing, upsetting, disturbing, disgusting.
  30. isolated (adjective) – single, lone, sole, only, one, solitary, individual.
  31. temperature (noun) – the degree or extent or level of excitement/tension.
  32. garner (verb) – get, gain, obtain, acquire.
  33. electoral (adjective) – relating to electors/voters.
  34. dividend (noun) – benefit, advantage, reward, gain; share, portion, percentage.
  35. helm (verb) – be in charge, be in command, be in authority/position.
  36. crude (adjective) – bad, deficient, defective, faulty, imperfect, inferior.
  37. unwarranted (adjective) – unjustified, unnecessary, unreasonable, uncalled for, groundless.
  38. counterpart (noun) – someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another; equivalent, equal, fellow.
  39. allege (verb) – charge, accuse.
  40. conspiracy (noun) – (unlawful) plan/plot, intrigue, collaboration/deception, collusion.
  41. divisive (adjective) – alienating/isolating, disharmonious, discordant.
  42. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal/account.
  43. sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, attempt, aim.
  44. functionary (noun) – official, representative, agent, especially in a government or political party.
  45. milk (verb) – exploit, take advantage of, cash in on.
  46. run-up to (noun) – a period of time just before an important event.
  47. exercise (noun) – activity, task, piece of work.
  48. put (someone) in the dock (phrase) – accuse someone of committing a crime and subject him/her to intense scrutiny; on trial in court, particularly in a criminal case (the “dock” is the enclosed place in a criminal court where a defendant stands or sits during a trial).
  49. emancipate (verb) – free from restriction/restraint; liberate from domination/control; give rights to; set free, release, unfetter, unshackle.
  50. litigation (noun) – legal action, lawsuit, legal case.
  51. overtones (noun) – connotation, suggestion, implication, association.
  52. preserve (verb) – protect, maintain, take care of, look after, continue.
  53. scope (noun) – opportunity, freedom, latitude, leeway.
  54. dispassionate (adjective) – objective, detached, disinterested, uninvolved, impartial, non-partisan.
  55. in the fitness of things (phrase) – suitable, appropriate, proper, fitting.
  56. resort to (noun) – recourse to, turning to, the use of, utilizing.
  57. rhetoric (noun) – the art of speaking or writing effectively & persuasively or impressively (but, often lacking substance); bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (A welcome probe) – Jan 14, 2022

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