The Hindu Editorial (A tale of two) – Mar 13, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (A tale of two) – Mar 13, 2024:
- tale (noun) – story, narrative, report.
- tale of two (phrase) – comparing two seemingly distinct things.
- alliance (noun) – association, union, bloc, partnership.
- contrasting (adjective) – strikingly different, dissimilar, incomparable, opposite, divergent.
- stake (noun) – risk, ante, involvement, concern (in a situation/system).
- raise the stakes (verb) – to increase the risks or considerations involved in taking an action; up the ante.
- forthcoming (adjective) – upcoming, approaching, nearing, impending.
- ally (noun) – partner, supporter, backer, confederate.
- mopping up (noun) – an act of completing the military invasion/seizure of an area by capturing/killing remaining enemy troops.
- mop up (phrasal verb) – deal with, wrap up, clear up, to complete (a task, etc.).
- resurrect (verb) – revive, reinvigorate, resuscitate, stimulate, rejuvenate.
- court (verb) – woo, pursue, chase, try to obtain, try to win over, seek the hand/favour of, curry favour with.
- alacrity (noun) – hurry, speed, rush, swiftness, quickness.
- putative (adjective) – apparent, seeming, alleged, commonly regarded/considered.
- on the horizon (phrase) – imminent, impending, approaching, coming, on the way, forthcoming, about to happen, in the wings, on the cards, in the pipeline/offing, just around the corner
- unravel (verb) – fall apart, fail, collapse, go wrong, founder, be unsuccessful, fall through.
- if at all (phrase) – perhaps, probably, likely, maybe, conceivably.
- concrete (adjective) – real, actual, solid, substantial, definite, tangible.
- form (noun) – shape, format, structure.
- tie-up (noun) – alliance, coalition, association, link, connection, relationship.
- part ways with (phrase) – to separate, to depart, to end a relationship.
- unfulfilled (adjective) – incomplete, unfinished, neglected, not accomplished.
- make one’s way (phrase) – to move forward or progress in a particular direction gradually.
- distance oneself (from) (phrasal verb) – denounce, disown, reject.
- assiduously (adverb) – diligently, carefully, meticulously.
- revive (verb) – restore, revitalize, renew, bring back.
- agitation (noun) – (public) protest.
- blow over (phrasal verb) – abate, subside, settle down, lessen, diminish, fade away, dwindle recede.
- move (noun) – step, action, act, tactic.
- potentially (adverb) – probably, presumably, likely, doubtlessly.
- march (verb) – go, proceed.
- on (adverb) – in operation, working; taking place.
- fold (noun) – group, camp.
- striking (adjective) – noticeable, obvious, conspicuous, remarkable, prominent, evident, salient, visible, distinct, clear-cut, notable.
- realignment (noun) – readjustment, reorganization, rearrangement, renewal, reparation.
- champion (verb) – support, advocate, back, uphold, promote.
- consecutive (adjective) – continuous, subsequent, succeeding, following.
- call for (phrasal verb) – require, need, necessitate, make necessary, demand, publicly ask for.
- preceding (adjective) – previous, prior, earlier.
- corresponding (adjective) – coincident, concurrent, coinciding, simultaneous; equivalent, matching, similar, related, identical, comparable, commensurate, relative, correlative.
- disarray (noun) – disorder, confusion, chaos, disorganization, shambles.
- evident (adjective) – obvious, clear, apparent.
- bandwagon (noun) – a popular activity/event that is currently become fashion.
- jump on the bandwagon (phrase) – to suddenly join something (an activity) that has already become popular/successful (so that you can also get the benefits of it); to join the trend.
- emaciated (adjective) – thin, weak, skinny, bony, shrunken.
- bloc (noun) – alliance, association, union.
- incoherence (noun) – the standard of being illogical, inconsistent, or unclear; disunity, disorganization, imbalance, confusion.
- talks (noun) – dialogue, discussion, deliberation, consultation, parley, negotiation.
- add insult to injury (phrase) – used to say when something makes a bad situation even worse; worsen, compound, exacerbate, aggravate.
- field (verb) – nominate, propose, put up (a candidate) to stand in an election.
- unilaterally (adverb) – used to indicate something done by a person/country without approval/agreement from other people/countries involved in the situation.
- key (adjective) – crucial, critical, vital, important, significant.
- proponent (noun) – supporter, backer, promoter, protector.
- face off (phrasal verb) – be in competition; come into opposition; oppose, confront, fight, compete.
- paradox (noun) – mystery, absurdity; incongruity.
- starker comparative adjective of stark (adjective) – distinct, obvious, evident, clear, clear-cut, striking.
- coincidence (noun) – coexistence, simultaneity, co-occurrence.
- central agencies (plural noun) – the central agencies are organizations in the executive branch that co-ordinate the activities of, and provide guidance to the operating ministries and agencies; e.g. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Income Tax Department (IT) and etc.
- the state (noun) – the government.
- influence (verb) – affect, have an effect on, exert influence on, determine.
- disturbing (adjective) – upsetting, discomfiting, disconcerting, unsettling, disquieting, troubling.
- inglorious (adjective) – shameful, dishonourable/discreditable, disgraceful, humiliating, shocking.
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The Hindu Editorial (A tale of two) – Mar 13, 2024:

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