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The Hindu Editorial (A royal somersault) – Mar 12, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (A royal somersault) – Mar 12, 2020

Jyotiraditya Scindia’s departure from the Congress and his arrival in the BJP reveal many traits of both parties and the man himself. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (A royal somersault) – Mar 12, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (A royal somersault) – Mar 12, 2020

  1. somersault (noun) – an instance (as in gymnastics) of rotating (jumping/rolling) one’s body 360 degree with someone’s feet going over one’s head; gymnastics.
  2. defection (noun) – desertion, absconding, decamping.
  3. switch (noun) – change/move.
  4. profess (verb) – state one’s faith in, affirm one’s allegiance to, acknowledge publicly.
  5. trait (noun) – characteristic, attribute, feature.
  6. lost (adjective) – missed, neglected, wasted.
  7. irony (noun) – paradox, incongruity, peculiarity.
  8. intriguing (adjective) – interesting, fascinating, arousing, compelling.
  9. intuitive (adjective) – instinctive, natural/automatic, spontaneous, impulsive.
  10. humour (verb) – give way to, go along with, comply with, adapt to accommodate.
  11. cross (over) (phrasal verb) – to change (from one activity (supporting one group) to another (group));  to join a different (political) party.
  12. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas.
  13. liken to (verb) – compare, equate, correlate/match.
  14. homecoming (noun) – an act of returning back to home.
  15. betray (verb) – be unfaithful to, break faith with, be disloyal to, let down.
  16. collaboration (noun) – cooperation, alliance, partnership/association.
  17. morsel (noun) – a small piece/amount (of something).
  18. keep alive (phrasal verb) – keep going, continue, sustain.
  19. can ill-afford (phrase) – to prevent something from happening because it would be embarrassing and cause problems (if it happens).
  20. urbane (adjective) – courteous, polite, charming.
  21. template (noun) – model, pattern/example, blueprint.
  22. on offer (phrase) – available.
  23. ambitious (adjective) – difficult, exacting, formidable/challenging.
  24. impatient (adjective) – discontented, displeased, agitated/restless.
  25. conviction (noun) – belief, opinion, view, thought.
  26. drift (verb) – move (aimlessly/automatically into a certain situation).
  27. annihilating (adjective) – destroying, defeating, eradicating (something completely).
  28. eddy (noun) – figuratively to refer confusion, disturbance, disorder/turmoil; In general it means circular movement, countercurrent, counterflow.
  29. interim (adjective) – provisional, transitional, temporary.
  30. authoritative (adjective) – official, legal, authorized.
  31. steer (verb) – guide, conduct, direct/lead.
  32. on course (phrase) – on track, on target, on schedule.
  33. ideology (noun) – beliefs, ideas/opinions, principles.
  34. hold together (phrasal verb) – remain united.
  35. crop (noun) – batch, group.
  36. rooted (adjective) – established.
  37. social diversity (noun) – a feature of a society which is determined by caste, class, religion, occupational pattern in a given territory.
  38. vehicle (noun) – mechanism, medium/channel, instrument.
  39. aspiration (noun) – desire, hope, longing.
  40. empowerment (noun) – accreditation, authorization, validation.
  41. ordination (noun) – induction, introduction, installation.
  42. torchbearer (noun) – advocate, proponent, promoter.
  43. overwhelmingly (adverb) – with a great majority.
  44. personalized (adjective) – relating to something which is done to meet someone’s individual requirements.
  45. enthusiastic (adjective) – wholehearted, committed, passionate.
  46. abrupt (adjective) – sudden, immediate, unexpected.
  47. nullification (noun) – invalidation, annulment.
  48. call out (phrasal verb) – draw attention to someone’s bad actions.
  49. insensitivity (noun) – lack of awareness, lack of concern, not caring about others’ feelings.
  50. inefficiency (noun) – incapability, inability, failure, carelessness.
  51. stripe (noun) – type, category, character/style.
  52. rite (noun) – custom, practice, order, tradition.
  53. initiation (noun) – an act of allowing someone in a group/society (with a ritual).
  54. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, constant, continuous.
  55. testing (adjective) – challenging.
  56. rail against (phrasal verb) – make a protest against, denounce, censure.
  57. dynastic (adjective) – relating to a dynasty (a family or line of rulers).
  58. entitlement (noun) – the belief that someone is inherently getting a right or privilege or special treatment.
  59. spin a new story (phrase) – to tell a lie.
  60. adorn (verb) – grace, beautify, enrich, decorate.
  61. lineage (noun) – ancestry/family, descent, background.
  62. of sorts (phrase) – of a somewhat unusual method.
  63. anti-elite (adjective) – relating to something against elite group (high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society).
  64. aged (adjective) – existed for a long time.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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