The conviction and after – The Hindu (Feb 15, 2017)

The conviction and after – The Hindu (Feb 15, 2017)

Corruption in high places is a malaise that is easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. Even in the rare cases they are arraigned before a court, top politicians often pay their way through legal battles, and spend little or no time in incarceration. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. conviction (noun) – declaration/pronouncement of guilt, sentence, judgement.
  2. malaise (noun) – illness, disease.
  3. arraign (verb) – indict, prosecute, put on trial.
  4. incarceration (noun) – imprisonment, confinement, custody.
  5. abate (verb) – lessen, decrease, diminish.
  6. wrath (noun) – anger, displeasure, discontentment.
  7. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse, justify.
  8. in toto (latin word) (adverb) – as a whole.
  9. concur (verb) – agree, accord; be concurrent/coincide.
  10. vice (noun) – immorality, wrong, evil.
  11. insatiable (adjective) – unappeasable, uncontrollable; never satisfied.
  12. avarice (noun) – greed, covetousness, rapacity.
  13. self-aggrandisement (noun) – the act of projecting oneself as being powerful.
  14. unscrupulous (adjective) – unprincipled, unethical, immoral.
  15. mystify (verb) – bewilder, puzzle, perplex/confuse.
  16. ruling (noun) – judgement, adjudication, verdict.
  17. thrust (noun) – intention, meaning, significance.
  18. hold (verb) – (of a court) rule, decide.
  19. expeditiously (adverb) – quickly and efficiently.
  20. inordinate (adjective) – excessive, undue, unwarranted.
  21. stake a claim (phrase) – assert, declare, proclaim.
  22. hold off (phrasal verb) – delay, postpone, hold back.
  23. anticipate (verb) – expect, predict; pre-empt.
  24. rank and file (phrase) – ordinary members.
  25. notwithstanding (preposition) – in spite of, despite, regardless of.
  26. trump (verb) – outshine/outperform, surpass, beat.
  27. destined for (adjective) – intended for/heading.
  28. churn (noun) – disorder, confusion, mess up.


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  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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