Word of the Day-10JUN18
Today’s “Word of the Day” is phytosanitary and it is an adjective meaning “relating to the health of plants. (phytosanitary certificate […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is phytosanitary and it is an adjective meaning “relating to the health of plants. (phytosanitary certificate […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is bonhomie and it is a noun meaning “friendliness (bonhomie is borrowed from French word “bonhomme” […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is olive branch and it is a noun meaning “offer of peace. If someone extends the […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is undaunted and it is an adjective meaning “unafraid, fearless”. This word (adjective) is present in […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is stand one’s ground and it is a phrase meaning “be resolute or show determination in […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is make the cut and it is a phrase meaning “equal or better the (standard) score […….]
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