Phrase of the Day (over the moon)-23AUG23
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “over the moon” and its meaning is “extremely happy, delighted, euphoric, joyful, excited, joyous, elated, exhilarated, jubilant, […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “over the moon” and its meaning is “extremely happy, delighted, euphoric, joyful, excited, joyous, elated, exhilarated, jubilant, […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “rave and rant” and its meaning is “to shout angrily and to talk loudly”. Example Sentence: How […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “do one’s darnedest” and its meaning is “to try every possible method/way to do something; make […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “steer clear of” and its meaning is “avoid, shun, evade, dodge, eschew, sidestep, elude, circumvent, forgo, […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “close on the heels of ” and its meaning is “to happen very soon after something; close […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is fancy one’s chances and it is a phrase meaning “to have faith in one’s (own) talent […….]
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