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Surrogacy regulation is long overdue – The Hindu (Aug 27, 2016)

Surrogacy regulation is long overdue – The Hindu (Aug 27, 2016)

A comprehensive law to regulate surrogacy has been long overdue. Over the years, India has become a global hub for the practice of women being contracted to carry others’ babies, usually for a payment. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List-1

  1. surrogacy (noun) – the process of carrying of a pregnancy by surrogate mother for intended parents.
  2. surrogate (noun) – substitute, replacement; agent, stand-by.
  3. embryo (noun) – an early stage of development of unborn child. it develops from a single cell (called zygote) resulting from the fertilization of the female egg cell by the male sperm cell. (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  4. grey zone (noun) – an intermediate area; a thing which is not clearly described.
  5. compensatory (adjective) – lessening unpleasant/unwelcome effects.
  6. provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, specification; condition, qualification.
  7. altruistic (adjective) – unselfish, selfless, generous, charitable.
  8. infertile (adjective) – childless.
  9. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance.
  10. inequality (noun) – unfairness, injustice, partiality, favouritism.
  11. thought through (adjective) – thought out; thoroughly considered.
  12. dimension (noun) – aspect, feature, element, facet.
  13. confront (verb) – face, deal with, tackle, manage.
  14. enumerate (verb) – to mention separately or in order; name one by one; list, name, detailmention.
  15. fertility (noun) – reproductiveness, potency, ability to conceive.
  16. in the course of (phrase) – during the specific period; duration, period.
  17. dilemma (noun) – difficult situation, problem, difficulty, conundrum.
  18. statelessness (noun) – it is the lack of citizenship. A stateless person is someone who is “not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law”. Courtesy:Wikipedia).
  19. principled (adjective) – moral, ethical, correct, good.
  20. underline (verb) – emphasize, highlight, accentuate, focus (attention) on.
  21. intolerance (noun) – bias, partiality, lopsidedness, inequality.
  22. gender discrimination (noun) – sexual discrimination; discrimination based on gender (or sex).
  23. foeticide (noun) – abortion of fetus. (fetus (unborn child); the spelling “foetus” is still used in some non technical contexts).
  24. coerce (verb) – pressureforce, compel, bludgeon, influence.
  25. intra- (prefix) – (added to adjectives) within.


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