Spanish steps – The Hindu (Sep 11, 2017)
The long-standing conflict in Spain over independence for Catalonia has escalated into a full-blown political crisis. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.
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Courtesy: The Hindu
Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)
- Catalan (adjective) – relating to Catalonia, its people, or its language.
- secession (noun) – the withdrawal of a group from a larger federation/organisation, from a political state.
- referendum (noun) – public vote; a direct vote in which people cast ballots to decide on a specific issue or policy (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
- calibrate (verb) – carefully assess/modify/regulate.
- escalate (verb) – accelerate, increase/intensify, make serious.
- full-blown (adjective) – fully developed, complete, thorough/entire.
- back (verb) – support, endorse, sanction.
- plebiscite (noun) – vote, referendum, poll.
- swiftly (adverb) – quickly, rapidly, fast.
- imminent (adjective) – impending, approaching, about to happen.
- invoke (verb) – call for, cite/appeal to, adduce.
- confer (verb) – grant to, give to, bestow on.
- gear (verb) – prepare, get ready.
- dire (adjective) – terrible, dreadful, bad.
- hardline (adjective) – uncompromising, strict/tough, inflexible.
- stoke (verb) – (of emotional activity/tendency) encourage, incite, increase.
- defiant (adjective) – uncooperative/non-compliant, confrontational, challenging.
- consolidation (noun) – the process of strengthening something or the act of making something stronger.
- shrink (verb) – get smaller, lessen, reduce.
- implication (noun) – consequence, result, ramification/repercussion.
- confiscation (noun) – seizure, taking away, appropriation.
- conversely (adverb) – inversely, the other way round, oppositely/reciprocally.
- carte blanche (noun) – (French word) freedom, scope, leeway.
- bloc (noun) – alliance, association, coalition.
- nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of that, however, notwithstanding.
- overt (adjective) – clear, apparent, noticeable.
- affluent (adjective) – wealthy, rich, well to do.
- overturn (verb) – cancel, reverse, repeal.
- statute (noun) – law, regulation, enactment/act.
- apportion (verb) – share out, divide out, allocate/distribute.
- Austerity (noun) – difficult economic crisis/financial distress, privation; severity.
- eurozone crisis (noun) – a multi-year debt crisis that has been taking place in the European Union since the end of 2009. (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
- tap (into) (verb) – draw on/exploit, make use of/utilize.
- conciliatory (adjective) – propitiatory, appeasing, pacifying/peacemaking.
- imperative (adjective) – vitally important, crucial, necessary.
- populist (adjective) – related to politicians who claim that they are representing the common/ordinary people.
- upsurge (noun) – growth, sudden increase, rise.
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