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Rahul Gandhi’s #Makeover – The Hindu (Oct 31, 2017)

Rahul Gandhi’s #Makeover – The Hindu (Oct 31, 2017)

Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi set social media alight last weekend with a tweet stating his pet dog Pidi was the author of his suddenly effervescent postsFor further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. makeover (noun) – improvement, transformation/refinement, betterment.
  2. set alight (noun) – do something sensational/remarkable.
  3. effervescent (adjective) – enthusiastic, vibrant, energetic.
  4. sarcasm (noun) – derision/mockery, ridicule, satire.
  5. detractor (noun) – critic, disparager, denigrator.
  6. scramble (verb) – struggle, hurry/hasten, rush.
  7. frivolous (adjective) – silly, foolish, irresponsible/thoughtless.
  8. stodgy (adjective) – boring, dull, uninteresting.
  9. cap (verb) – better, surpass, outdo.
  10. shoot up (phrasal verb) – rise, soar, surge.
  11. revamp (verb) – mordenize, refashioned, refurbish.
  12. self-deprecatory (adjective) – belittle oneself; shy/modest/self-effacing oneself; critic oneself humorously. 
  13. undertone (noun) – low voice, whisper; connotation/trace.
  14. persona (noun) – image, public face, personality/identity.
  15. dividend (noun) – benefit, advantage, gain.
  16. princeling (noun) – the young prince/the ruler of a small domain/area.
  17. Lutyen’s Delhi (noun) –  an area in New Delhi, India, named after the British architect Edwin Lutyens (1869–1944).
  18. recast (verb) – reorganize, remodel, renovate.
  19. subversive (adjective) – disruptive, agitational, revolutionary/insurgent .
  20. formidable (adjective) – strong, powerful, mighty.
  21. the powers that be (phrase) – the authorities, the people in charge, the government.
  22. harness (verb) – use, utilise, make use of.
  23. overhaul (noun) – a thorough examination, revamp, recondition.
  24. extractive (adjective) – relating to/involving extraction (of something(resourses) completely without provision for redevelopment).
  25. arbitrary (adjective) – irrational, illogical, unjustified (personal whim/choice); (capricious/whimsical/unpredictable/impulsive).
  26. reign (noun) – monarch, king/be queen, sovereign.
  27. reminiscent (adjective) – similar to, comparable with, bearing comparison with.
  28. dissenter (noun) – objector, protester, dissenter.
  29. tear into (phrasal verb) – attack, hit (verbally); lash out at.
  30. assertion (noun) – affirmation, declaration, statement.
  31. smack of (phrasal verb) – have the flavour of, give the impression of (something negative).
  32. block off (phrase) – barricade, bar, obstruct.
  33. dismal (adjective) – bad, awful, terrible.
  34. disarming (adjective) – charming, likeable, pacifying.
  35. wit (noun) – wittiness, humour, funniness.
  36. hustings (noun) – election platform/campaign.


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