Phrase of the Day (window of opportunity)-28MAY22

Phrase of the Day (window of opportunity)-28MAY22

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is window of opportunity and its meaning is “a short period of time in which one has a chance to do/achieve something; chance, lucky chance, good time, golden opportunity, suitable time/moment, opportune occasion”.

Example Sentence: Multiple studies show that adolescence (teenage/young period) is a nutritionally demanding phase of life… Susceptibility of adolescent (teenage/young) girls to anaemia is 40% compared to boys at 18%… Ensuring appropriate nutrition for adolescent girls is also paramount considering the inter-generational impact it has on combating malnutrition… Adolescence is the window of opportunity where practices of dietary diversity can be built to correct nutritional deficiencies and replenish (restore/recharge/refill) the body with much-needed nutrients, especially for girls.

Phrase of the Day (window of opportunity)-28MAY22

This phrase is present in The Hindu article Diversifying plates for girls and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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