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Phrase of the Day (the short end of the stick)-28APR23

Phrase of the Day (the short end of the stick)-28APR23

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is the short end of the stick and it’s meaning is “be treated unfairly/unfavourably in a situation, opportunity or outcome than others; to find oneself in a worse position than other people in a particular situation”

Example Sentence: A progressive response would be to harness the financial firepower of the state to provide decent housing, health and education for one’s citizens, while also raising more revenue in capital gains tax, and in better taxes on property and land. For all the gloomy talk of the moment, the UK remains one of the richest societies in human history, with the ideas and energy to provide a better life for those who often get the short end of the stick. What it needs is the political will.

This phrase is present in The Guardian view on Britons getting poorer: don’t accept it and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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