Phrase of the Day (stop (someone) in his/her tracks)-04MAR22

Phrase of the Day (stop (someone) in his/her tracks)-04MAR22

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “stop (someone) in his/her tracks“ and it is a phrase meaning “to make someone to stop suddenly from what he/she has been doing by frightening or surprising him/her; prevent, inhibit, hamper, stifle, hobble”.

Example Sentence: For 20 years, Putin has plundered Russia and generously invited western elites to get fat at the feast. The west was too busy counting Putin’s money to comprehend the dangers. The invasion of Ukraine seems, finally, to have triggered an international moment of clarity. But if the west fails to take the full measures needed to stop Putin in his tracks, it may risk resuscitating a dying regime.

Phrase of the Day (stop (someone) in his/her tracks)-04MAR22

This phrase is present in The Guardian article History demands the west deploy every legal and financial weapon against Putin and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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