Phrase of the Day (put/throw a spanner in the works)-12JUN22

Phrase of the Day (put/throw a spanner in the works)-12JUN22

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is put/throw a spanner in the works and its meaning is “prevent or obstruct something (a plan or activity) from happening/succeeding; disrupt, hinder/hamper, interfere with, create a problem/trouble”.

Example Sentence: The ongoing textbook controversy in Karnataka began after a section of Brahmins felt that the community was being portrayed in bad light. A review committee set up by the BJP government made additions and deletions in text books, and by the end of it all, it appears that only the Brahmins are happy… The unrest has thrown a spanner in the works for the BJP’s political plans in Karnataka. 

Phrase of the Day (put/throw a spanner in the works)-12JUN22

This phrase is present in The Hindu article Political Line | The Sheikhs have a say; counting people by district and caste; the happy Brahmins and the unhappy rest in Karnataka and click here to read it.

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