Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “pick/take up the cudgels” and its meaning is “to support someone strongly, to argue/fight strongly in support of someone; to speak strongly in defense of someone”.
Example Sentence: The Chief Minister (of West Bengal) said the Governor was trying to treat the elected government as “bonded labour”… He has withheld assent to the Howrah Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Bill 2021, delaying polls to the civic body. He has made allegations of impropriety (corruption) in welfare schemes, questioned Government claims about investments in the State, and taken up the cudgels for the Opposition BJP.

This word is present in The Hindu article Imperial excess: On Governors and limits and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Hindu
“Phrasal Verbs” We Learnt Last Week
“Idioms & Phrases” We Learnt Last Week
“Important Definitions” We Learnt Last Week
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