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Phrase of the Day (hedge one’s bets)-25DEC20

Phrase of the Day (hedge one's bets)-25DEC20

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is hedge one’s bets and it is a phrase meaning “avoid, dodge, evade, sidestep the issue at hand; be non-committal, be indecisive, be evasive (to deal with a difficulty nearby)”.

Example Sentence: While Britain hedges its bets on a mass vaccination programme and battles a new variant of coronavirus, daily life in New Zealand and Taiwan has been slowly returning to normal. There are numerous reasons these countries fared better during the pandemic, but one of the main reasons the UK has done so badly by comparison is the government’s decision to outsource huge swaths of its pandemic response to the private sector.

This phrase is present in The Guardian article The Covid crisis has shown how privatisation corrodes democracy and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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