Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “brevity is the soul of wit” and its meaning is “the use of few words to express something is wiser, wittier, and even funnier than a lengthy statement. William Shakespeare coined this phrase in the play ‘Hamlet’, written in 1602. ‘Wit’ means knowledge or intelligence)”.
Example Sentence: Finally, while we do all this, it’s also important not to overdo it. As they say, brevity is the soul of wit. The fewer the number of words, the better. Whichever medium we choose to communicate in, keeping our messages short and simple is likely to go a long way in making a persuasive point. I’m still finding my way through this maze, with the help of Aristotle. Some day soon, I hope to get to the ‘persuasive other’ side.

This phrase is present in The Hindu article Be an influencer and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Hindu
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