Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “break new ground” and its meaning is “to do something new, especially something never before attempted/tried by anyone; to do something completely different; to do something innovative; to pioneer”.
Example Sentence: When European Union leaders finally agreed on a groundbreaking economic recovery fund in July, there was understandable euphoria (joy) and relief. The huge €750bn package allowed the European commission, for the first time, to raise funds from the open markets on behalf of member states. Hailing (praising) the deal, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said at the time: “Europe has shown that it is able to break new ground in a very special situation such as this one.” Depressingly, it seems that Ms Merkel spoke too soon. On Monday, Hungary and Poland effectively vetoed (rejected) the recovery package.
This phrase is present in The Guardian article The Guardian view on Poland and Hungary: obstacles to progress … again and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Guardian
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