Phrase of the Day (be my guest)-09FEB22

Phrase of the Day (be my guest)-09FEB22

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is be my guest” and its meaning is “(in a polite way) please do as you wish (or) please use as you wish”.

Example Sentence: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s attack on the Congress in his speeches in Parliament shows that he is “scared” of the Congress for telling the truth, Wayanad MP and former party president Rahul Gandhi said on Tuesday…. “…If you like abusing the Congress, if you like abusing Jawaharlal Nehru, be my guest, keep doing it, but do your job,” Mr. Gandhi told the Prime Minister while speaking to reporters outside Parliament just hours after Mr. Modi’s speech in the Rajya Sabha.

Phrase of the Day (be my guest)-09FEB22

This phrase is present in The Hindu article If you like abusing Jawaharlal Nehru, Congress, be my guest: Rahul Gandhi hits back at PM Modi and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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