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Pay heed to Urjit Patel – The Hindu (Jan 14, 2017)

Pay heed to Urjit Patel – The Hindu (Jan 14, 2017)

Reserve Bank of India Governor Urjit Patel’s emphasis on the vital importance of protecting domestic macroeconomic stability could not have come at a more crucial juncture. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. heed (noun) – attention, notice, consideration.
  2. macroeconomic stability (noun) – it describes a national economy that has minimized vulnerability to external shocks, which in turn increases its prospects for sustained growth (Courtesy: The Ruet Institute).
  3. juncture (noun) – point, time/moment, stage.
  4. stray (verb) – digress, deviate, drift.
  5. fiscal consolidation (noun) – it is a reduction in the underlying (basic) fiscal deficit and public debt.( fiscal deficit – it is the amount by which government expenses exceed income).
  6. adverse (adjective) – unfavourable, disadvantageous, unfortunate.
  7. foreseeable (adjective) – inevitable, predictable, expected.
  8. clamour (noun) – protests, complaints, outcry.
  9. fiscal stimulus (noun) – Government measures, normally involving increased public spending and lower taxation, aimed at giving a positive jolt to economic activity (Courtesy: Financial Times).
  10. near (verb) – approach, get closer to, close in on.
  11. incipient (adjective) – developing, impending, growing.
  12. exacerbate (verb) – aggravate, make worse; intensify.
  13. cash crunch (noun) – severe shortage (of money).
  14. loosen the purse strings (phrase) – to increase spending.
  15. assuage (verb) – decrease, reduce, ease.
  16. demonetisation (noun) – the act of deprive currency unit (note/coin) of its status as money.
  17. pre-empt (verb) – acquire, seize, take over.
  18. deficit (noun) – debt, arrears, liability/loss.
  19. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.
  20. predecessor (noun) – forerunner, precursor, antecedent.
  21. harp on (verb) – keep talking about, talk continuously (on a particular subject), elaborate on.
  22. crowd out (verb) – oust, overthrow, remove.
  23. paper over (phrasal verb) – camouflage, conceal, hide/mask.
  24. abiding (adjective) – long-lasting, permanent, stable.
  25. collateral (adjective) – additional, secondary, unintended.
  26. assertion (noun) – declaration, statement, assurance.
  27. intervention (noun) – the action of intervening.
  28. subvention (noun) – grant, investment, allocation.
  29. allude (verb) – suggest, hint at, imply/mention.
  30. impede (verb) – disrupt, hinder, obstruct.
  31. constraint (noun) – restriction, limitation, restraint.
  32. fritter away (phrasal verb) – squander, waste, misuse.


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