On Section 377 – The Hindu (Jan 10, 2018)
The time has come to undo the judicial wrong done to homosexual individuals in 2013, when the Supreme Court upheld the validity of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises gay sex. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.
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Courtesy: The Hindu
Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)
- undo (verb) – repeal, annul, cancel/nullify.
- uphold (verb) – confirm/justify; maintain, continue (a custom/practice).
- flawed (adjective) – defective, wrong, incorrect.
- in prospect (noun) – expectation, anticipation, likely to happen (in the near future).
- LGBT Community – lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Community.
- minuscule (adjective) – very small, little, minute.
- constitute (verb) – establish, form, organize.
- draw (from) (verb) – obtain from.
- lie (at) (verb) – be present, exist, be found.
- jurisprudence (noun) – body of laws/rules, regulations, constitution.
- pave the way for (phrase) – prepare for, clear/open the way for, usher in,.
- comprehensive (adjective) – thorough/full, all-inclusive, complete.
- affirm (verb) – corroborate/validate, support, justify/ratify.
- confine (verb) – enclose, restrict, limit/restrict.
- discrimination (noun) – prejudice, bias/bigotry, inequity.
- inherent (adjective) – given/confer to (someone) as a right/privilege.
- overturn (verb) – cancel, reverse, repeal.
- touchstone (noun) – measure, point of reference; criterion/standard.
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