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Lessons from Arunachal Pradesh – The Hindu (July 18, 2016)

Lessons from Arunachal Pradesh – The Hindu (July 18, 2016)

The return of a Congress government, albeit with a different Chief Minister, restores a semblance of political stability in Arunachal Pradesh, which was caught in a political and constitutional crisis. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:

  1. Albeit (conjunction) – though.
  2. Semblance (noun) – appearance, outward appearance, approximation, apparent form.
  3. Backing (noun) – help, support, aid; approval, endorsement, sanction.
  4. Command (verb) – receive, get, gain, obtain, secure.
  5. Credit (noun) – praise, commendation,  kudos, gratitude, appreciation.
  6. Reinstate (verb) – restore, return to a former position, return to power.
  7. On grounds (noun) – reason, cause, basis, justification, rationale, factor.
  8. Rebel faction (noun) – a small dissenting group/division/side/section in a big political party.
  9. Act (noun) – law, decree, statute, bill, Act of Parliament, ruling.
  10. Defection (noun) – desertion, decamping; changing sides, secession; disloyalty, rebellion.
  11. Floor Test – Testing the constitutional machinery by the (attended) members’ votes on the floor of the Legislative Assembly of the State.
  12. Impending (adjective) – imminent, at hand, close, nearing, approaching, looming large, threatening.
  13. Embarrassment (noun) – difficulty, predicament, plight, problem; awkwardness, unease, uneasiness, discomfort.
  14. Goad (verb) – provoke, spur, rouse, stir, move, stimulate, motivate.
  15. Shake off (phrase) – get away from, escape, elude; dodge, get rid of.
  16. Lethargy (noun) – sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, dullness; idleness, shiftlessness.
  17. Salvage (verb) – rescue, reclaim, get back; regain, win back, recoup.
  18. Dissident (noun) – dissenter, objector, protester, disputant; rebel, revolutionary.
  19. Grievance (noun) – complaint, criticism, objection, protestation, protest.
  20. Arrogate (verb) – assume, take, take on, take over, expropriate.
  21. Unfold (verb) – develop, evolve, happen, take place, occur.
  22. Cynical (adjective) – sceptical, doubtful, distrustful; pessimistic, negative, hard-bitten.
  23. Opportunism (noun) – expediency, exploitation, taking advantage, pragmatism.
  24. Overreach (verb) – try to do too much, go too far, try to be too clever/smart.
  25. Abundance (noun) – plenty, a lot, mass, quantities; profusion, plentifulness, bountifulness.
  26. Propriety (noun) – correctness, rightness, morality; decorum, standards, etiquette, formalities, rules of conduct.
  27. Heed (verb) – pay attention to, take notice of, attend to, listen to, notice.


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