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Irom Sharmila’s next stand – The Hindu (July 28, 2016)

Irom Sharmila’s next stand – The Hindu (July 28, 2016)

Irom Chanu Sharmila’s announcement that she would end her hunger strike on August 9 has taken almost everyone by surprise. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:

  1. Take someone by surprise (phrase) – take aback, surprise, shock, stun.
  2. Undermine (verb) – subvert, weaken, impede, diminish, hinder, damage.
  3. Legalistic (adjective) – adhering to law.
  4. Obfuscate (verb) – bewilder, mystify, puzzle, perplex; obscure, confuse.
  5. Corrosive (adjective) – destructive, damaging, harmful.
  6. Allegedly (adverb) – reportedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly.
  7. Revocation (noun) – cancellation, abandonment, calling off, recall.
  8. Immunity (noun) – exemption, exception, freedom, impunity; indemnity, liberty.
  9. Purported (adjective) – claimed, professed, pretended; alleged, asserted.
  10. Combat (noun) – battle, fighting, armed conflict, war.
  11. Insurgent (adjective) – rebellious, rebel, revolutionary; rioting.
  12. Extrajudicial (adjective) – out-of court, private, unauthorized/unwarranted (by law).
  13. Stoke (verb) – (of emotional activity) encourage, incite, increase.
  14. Nutrition (noun) – food, sustenance, nourishment.
  15. Confinement (noun) – imprisonment, internment, incarceration, custody.
  16. Proclaim (verb) – declare, announce, state; demonstrate, indicate, show.
  17. Defiantly (adverb) –  Impudently, boldly, combatively.
  18. Oppression (noun) – persecution, ill treatment, repression, suppression.
  19. Tapestry (noun) – a set of complex & complicated events.
  20. Conscientious (adjective) – diligent, painstaking, dedicated, rigorous.
  21. Ironically (adverb) – paradoxically, unexpectedly, coincidentally.
  22. Reclaim (verb) – get/claim back, recover, retrive; save, rescue, reform.
  23. Objective (noun) – aim, intention, purpose, target, goal.
  24. Culmination (noun) – peak, pinnacle, height, highest point, top.
  25. Abeyance (noun) – suspension, a state of uncertainty, latency, dormancy, quiescence.
  26. Apathy (noun) – lack of interest, indifference, unresponsiveness, dispassion, unconcern.


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