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Hasten a consensus – The Hindu (Aug 23, 2016)

Hasten a consensus – The Hindu (Aug 23, 2016)

The Chief Justice of India, T.S. Thakur, has repeatedly expressed his concern about the chronic shortage of judges and questioned the delay on the part of the executive in filling up vacancies in the high courts. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:

  1. hasten (verb) – speed up, accelerate, expedite, push forward.
  2. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group. agreement, concurrence.
  3. chronic (adjective) – constant, continuing, unending, persistent.
  4. collegium system (noun) – The collegium system is the one in which the Chief Justice of India and a forum of four senior most judges of the Supreme Court recommend appointments & transfers of judges. There is no mention of the collegium in the Constitution of India.
  5. on the face of it (phrase) – ostensibly, on the surface; apparently, seemingly, evidently.
  6. inasmuch as (conjunction) – to the extent that; in so far as; considering that, because, since.
  7. dispense with (verb) – get rid of, throw away, throw out, discard.
  8. glasnost (noun) – Russian word and its literal meaning is “openness”.
  9. perestroika (noun) – Russian word and its literal meaning is “restructuring”.
  10. adhere to (verb) –  abide by, comply with, act in accordance with; uphold, follow; be attached to, be connected with.
  11. laid down (past tense of lay down) (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate; prescribe.
  12. arbitrariness (noun) – autocracy, absolutism, absolute power, totalitarianism.
  13. nullify (verb) – invalidate, annul; cancel, abolish; cancel out, neutralize.
  14. favouritism (noun) – partiality, preference, favour, power of appointment, right of appointment.
  15. vetting (noun) – investigate thoroughly.
  16. envisage (verb) – foresee, predict, forecast; imagine, contemplate, visualize, envision.
  17. scrutinise (verb) – examine carefully, inspect; search, investigate.
  18. redress (noun) – compensation, reparation, repayment; restitution, remedy, satisfaction.
  19. veto (verb) – reject, turn down, dismiss; disallow, outlaw.
  20. grounds (noun) – reason, cause, basis, factor.
  21. forge (verb) – proceed, progress, move along, advance firmly.
  22. gain ground (phrase) – make headway, make progress, advance, proceed, move.
  23. Infusion (noun) – the introduction of a new thing.


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