Good sense triumphs on the GST – The Hindu (Aug 04, 2016)

Good sense triumphs on the GST – The Hindu (Aug 04, 2016)

Eleven years after it was first mooted in Parliament, the Rajya Sabha has finally adopted a goods and services tax. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:


  1. Moot (verb) – raise, bring up, introduce, present.
  2. Assent (noun) – agreement, acceptance, approval, consent.
  3. Historic (adjective) – famous, important, significant, memorable.
  4. Usher in (phrasal verb) – herald, mark the start of, signal, announce; start, begin, initiate.
  5. Potable (adjective) – safe to drink; drinkable.
  6. Ambit (noun) – scope, extend, bounds, limits .
  7. Set to – ready to / likely to (Courtesy: BBC Learning English).
  8. Peg at (verb) – fix, set, control, limit.
  9. Consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group. agreement, concurrence.
  10. Forge (verb) – proceed, progress, move along, advance firmly.
  11. Credit (noun) – praise, commendation, kudos, gratitude, appreciation.
  12. See something through (phrase) – bring to completion/a finish, continue to the end.
  13. Accommodative (adjective) – accommodating, cooperative, helpful.
  14. In the face of (preposition) – despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of.
  15. Reservations (noun) – doubt, misgivings, scepticism, reluctance, objection.
  16. Provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, specification; condition.
  17. Tack (noun) – approach, way, method; technique, strategy.
  18. Cussedly (adverb) – awkwardly; something not smoothly.
  19. Obstructionist (noun/adjective) – an act of stopping/delaying something purposefully, particularly the political/legal plan of actions.
  20. Pay someone back in their own coin (idiom) – to treat a person in the same way that he/she has treated others. retaliate, hit back; revenge/avenge.
  21. Subsume (verb) – include, absorb, cover, encompass.
  22. Ramifications (noun) – consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect; development; outgrowth.
  23. Fritter away (verb) – squander, misuse, misspend, make poor use of, dissipate.
  24. One-upmanship (noun) – the art or practice of successively outdoing (do better than) a competitor. (Courtesy:Wikipedia).


  • Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from .
  • Definitions (elementary level)  & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press.


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