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For starters, ban the pellet gun – The Hindu (Aug 24, 2016)

For starters, ban the pellet gun – The Hindu (Aug 24, 2016)

Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s two-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir, scheduled to begin today, is a timely follow-up to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Opposition leaders from the State on Monday. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:

  1. for starters (phrase) – to begin with, to start with, first of all.
  2. rhetoric (noun) – oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language.
  3. hold out (phrasal verb) – continue, remain, be extant.
  4. healing (adjective) – alleviative, assuasive, palliative, relievable.
  5. strident (adjective) –(of opinions/comments) harsh, rough, loud, unpleasant, grating; annoying way of expressing opinions/point of views forcefully.
  6. draw a distinction (phrase) – distinguishing two people/things.
  7. drift (noun) – (slow and steady) movement,
  8. alienation (noun) – isolation, detachment, estrangement, separation.
  9. palpable (adjective) – perceptible, perceivable, visible, noticeable; obvious, clear, evident, apparent.
  10. fallout (noun) – bad effect/result, adverse effect/result.
  11. forthwith (adverb) – immediately, instantly, right away; without delay.
  12. empathy (noun) – the ability to feel and share other person’s emotions/feelings/experiences.
  13. pellet (noun) – lightweight bullet, shot.
  14. dissuade (verb) – discourage, deter, prevent, stop, divert.
  15. curfew (noun) – a rule which is instructing people to stay at home, typically at night.
  16. inhumane (adjective) – cruel, harsh, brutal, callous, severe.
  17. outrageous (adjective) – shocking, disgraceful, atrocious, appalling.
  18. gentler – comparative adjective of gentle (adjective) -mild, soft, quiet, modest.
  19. inflict (verb) – deal out to, mete out to, serve out to, administer to; to cause somebody to go through something harmful/painful.
  20. anecdotal (adjective) – informal, unreliable; unscientific.
  21. off balance (adjective) – incorrect proportion.
  22. at someone’s disposal (phrase) – be ready to help someone concerned.


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