Death by liquor – The Hindu (Aug 19, 2016)

Death by liquor – The Hindu (Aug 19, 2016)

If prohibition were merely a matter of decree, India would have been free of liquor by now. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:


  1. prohibition (noun) – banning, forbidding, prohibiting, making illegal (by law).
  2. Decree (noun) – order, command, rule, mandate, proclamation.
  3. Enforcement (noun) – imposition, implementation, execution, prosecution, Promulgation.
  4. Spurt (noun) – a sudden burst, increase of activity.
  5. Illicit (adjective) – illegal, banned, forbidden, prohibited, unlicensed, bootleg, black market. (something forbidden by society).
  6. Confront (verb) – face, deal with, tackle, manage, handle.
  7. Hooch (noun) – illicit alcohol.
  8. Debilitating (adjective) – making someone/something weak.
  9. Indiscriminate (adjective) – thoughtless, unthinking, careless, casual.
  10. Of late (phrase) – recently, not long ago, in the past few days.
  11. Resort to (verb) – adapt, exercise, make use of, use, utilize.
  12. Starve of (verb) –  deprive of /need of (something).
  13. Bootlegger (noun) – someone who makes, distributes & sells alcohol illegally.
  14. Capital punishment (noun) – authorized killing of a person as punishment for an extreme crime.
  15. Provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, specification; condition, qualification, restriction.
  16. Draconian (adjective) – harsh, severe, strict, drastic, stringent.
  17. Absurd (adjective) – illogical, unreasonable, inappropriate; ridiculous.
  18. Impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict; enforce, charge, exact, apply.
  19. Regime (noun) – system, arrangement, scheme, policy.
  20. Vulnerable (adjective) – (of a person) weak, frail, feeble, fragile, delicate, infirm.
  21. Pragmatism (noun) – realism, practicability, logical thinking; a pragmatic (practical/logical/realistic) way.
  22. Starry-eyed (adjective) – enthusiastic or idealistic but not result oriented/practical.
  23. Idealism (noun) – utopianism, wishful thinking, daydreaming, impracticability.
  24. On the ground (phrase) – at the place of (practical) action.


  • Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from .
  • Definitions (elementary level)  & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press.

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