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Confrontational path – The Hindu (Sep 18, 2017)

Confrontational path – The Hindu (Sep 18, 2017)

Bangladesh’s Parliament raised the stakes in a stand-off against the judiciary last week by passing a unanimous resolution to take “proper legal steps” over a Supreme Court verdict nullifying the Constitution’s 16th amendmentFor further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. stand-off (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, impasse/standstill.
  2. stakes (noun) – ante, pledge, risk.
  3. unanimous (adjective) – uniform, united, undivided.
  4. nullify (verb) – annul, invalidate, cancel/abolish.
  5. impeach (verb) –  challenge, question; indict, prefer charges against.
  6. antithetical (adjective) – directly opposed to, contrary to, conflicting with.
  7. errant (adjective) – offending, guilty/culpable,  troublesome.
  8. interpret (verb) – understand/construe, explain; decipher.
  9. affront (noun) – insult, offence, indignity/snub.
  10. schadenfreude (noun) – delight, pleasure, happiness.
  11. polarize (verb) – to divide into different groups/beliefs, etc,.
  12. polity (noun) – a state as a political entity.
  13. overtones (noun) – connotation, hidden meaning, implication.
  14. pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with.
  15. contention (noun) – disagreement, dispute, argument/allegation.
  16. conscience (noun) – morals, standards, values/principles.
  17. impeachment (noun) – the act of charging (a public official) with a crime done while in office (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  18. bind (verb) – require, compel, obligate.
  19. dispassionate (adjective) – neutral, disinterested, impersonal/impartial.
  20. deliberation (noun) – thought, careful consideration; long discussion.
  21. prospective (adjective) – potential, probable, likely.
  22. undue (adjective) – excessive, extreme, immoderate.
  23. better off (phrase) – in a more advantageous situation.
  24. legacy (noun) – something given by a predecessor (to his/her successor).
  25. authoritarian (adjective) – totalitarian, autocratic, dictatorial/one-party.
  26. the executive (noun) – the branch of a government responsible for putting decisions or laws into effect.
  27. in light of (phrase) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.


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