Cinema & censorship – The Hindu (Jul 29, 2017)

Cinema & censorship – The Hindu (Jul 29, 2017)

In a system that sets much store by retaining the power to censor films in the name of certifying them, random attempts by petitioners seeking cuts or even a ban often add to the pre-release anxieties of filmmakers.  For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. set store by (phrase) – value; respect, appreciate.
  2. set aside (phrasal verb) – cancel, dismiss, reject.
  3. bank on (phrasal verb) – rely on, depend on; anticipate/expect.
  4. curtail (verb) – reduce, cut down, decrease/lessen.
  5. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.
  6. warrant (noun) – grounds, rationale, basis.
  7. adjudicate (verb) – judge, adjudge, give/declare a verdict (on a disputed matter).
  8. merrily (adverb) – delightedly, joyfully, cheerfully.
  9. depiction (noun) – portrayal, representation, presentation.
  10. prevalence (noun) – commonness, widespread presence, ubiquitousness.
  11. presumably (adverb) – probably, in all likelihood, undoubtedly.
  12. fantasy (noun) – vision,/imagination; dream, wishful thinking.
  13. appellate (adjective) – (of a court) dealing with cases on appeal to review the decision of a lower court.
  14. tribunal (noun) – board, panel,/committee; court.
  15. entertain (verb) – consider, think about, contemplate.
  16. tranquility (noun) – calmness, peacefulness/quietness, silence.
  17. disconcerting (adjective) – unsettling, disturbing, embarrassing.
  18. nonetheless (adverb) – in spite of that, however, regardless/anyway.


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