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Choice & conversion – The Hindu (Aug 18, 2017)

Choice & conversion – The Hindu (Aug 18, 2017)

The case of Akhila/Hadiya is becoming curiouser by the day. Entrusted with adjudicating whether her conversion to Islam and marriage to a Muslim man were voluntary acts,.. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. muddle (verb) – bewilder, confuse, perplex/puzzle.
  2. curiouser (comparative adjective) curious (adjective) – inquisitive, intrigued, interested.  
  3. by the day (phrase) – gradually and steadily.
  4. entrust (verb) – assign, give the responsibility for, charge/confer on.
  5. adjudicate (verb) – judge, adjudge, give/declare a verdict (on a disputed matter).
  6. embark (on) (verb) – begin, start, commence (a course of action).
  7. roving (adjective) – relating to the act of looking something thoroughly in all directions.
  8. radicalise (verb) – to make someone to be radical (to take extreme step) on political or social issues.
  9. inexplicably (adverb) – in a way something can not be accountable /explainable/ understandable.
  10. annul (verb) – nullify, invalidate, cancel.
  11. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something.
  12. comprehend (verb) – understand, grasp, apprehend/fathom.
  13. veracity (noun) – truthfulness, accuracy, correctness.
  14. in the course of (phrase) – during; as a part of specified activity.
  15. radical (adjective) – revolutionary, extreme, extremist.
  16. purported (adjective) – claimed, professed/pretended; alleged.
  17. ruse (noun) – tactic, trick, cunning plan.
  18. scuttle (verb) – deliberately cause to fail; hurry/hasten.
  19. sham (noun) – pretence, fake, fraud.
  20. odd (adjective) – strange, unusual, peculiar/weird.
  21. presumably (adverb) – probably, in all likelihood, undoubtedly.
  22. suspicion (noun) – doubt, trace/hint, scepticism.
  23. under a spell (phrase) – under someone’s control.
  24. apprehension (noun) – anxiety, concern; understanding, perception.
  25. plea (noun) – claim, explanation, justification.
  26. cut no ice (phrase) – have no effect.
  27. lent past participle of lend (verb) – give, provide, add.
  28. curtailment (noun) – reduction, decrease, restriction.
  29. on one’s own volition (phrase) – voluntarily, by choice, by one’s own preference.
  30. strive (verb) – try, attempt, make an effort.


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