Phrase of the Day-02SEP19
Today’s “Word of the Day” is the order of the day and it is a phrase meaning “very common, usual, normal/customary, […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is the order of the day and it is a phrase meaning “very common, usual, normal/customary, […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is tear something to shreds and it is a phrase meaning “to damage something badly; destroy, ruin”. This […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is in the offing and it is a phrase meaning “likely to happen, on the way, […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is make the cut and it is a phrase meaning “equal or better the (standard) score […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is under the weather and it is a phrase meaning “slightly ill, unwell, not in good shape, in […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is a thing of the past and it is a phrase meaning “something that no longer […….]
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