Calming the Valley -The Hindu (July 12, 2016)

Calming the Valley -The Hindu (July 12, 2016)

Burhan Wani, the 22-year-old “commander” of the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen gunned down last week by the security forces in Anantnag, was credited with mobilising a new generation of the disaffected in Jammu and Kashmir. For further reading, visit “The hindu”.

Today’s Words:

  1. Calm (verb) – soothe, pacify, tranquillize.
  2. Valley (noun) – an area of low land between hills or mountains (with river/stream running through it).
  3. Gun down (phrasal verb) – shoot down, kill, hit, mow down.
  4. Mobilise (verb) –  arouse, generate, induce, cause, bring into play.
  5. Disaffected (adjective) – dissatisfied, restless, frustrated; disloyal, rebellious, insurgent.
  6. Aftermath (noun) – repercussions, after-effects, by-product, fallout.
  7. Pitched (adjective) – aimed/directed/set at (something/somebody).
  8. Engulf (verb) –  affect, overwhelm; inundate, overflow, flow over.
  9. Prize catch (noun) –  A “prize catch” is originally a fish that wins a prize for the lucky person who caught it in the sport of angling (pastime of fishing).
  10. Coast (verb) – move forward/proceed/have success/progress with low/no effort.
  11. Smarts (noun) – Intelligence, know-how; acumen.
  12. Militancy (noun) – belligerency, combativeness, contentiousness, defiance.
  13. Lethal (adjective) – fatal, deadly; dangerous, destructive, harmful.
  14. Casualties (noun) – dead and injured/wounded, missing in action.
  15. Bound to (past participle of bind) – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed.
  16. Siege (noun) – blockade, beleaguerment, encirclement.
  17. Imperative (adjective) – all-important, vital, crucial, critical.
  18. Grossly (adverb) – flagrantly, in an obviously offensive way.
  19. Cause of action (noun) – In the law, a cause of action is a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party. (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  20. Time  and again (idiom) – frequently, often, repeatedly, again and again.
  21. Impressionable (adjective) – easily influenced, easily led, persuadable, susceptible; vulnerable, exploitable.
  22. Aggrieved (adjective) – resentful, affronted, discontented, angry.
  23. Cycle that cannot be broken – infinite/keep repeating/nonstop event.
  24. Dissuade (verb) – discourage, deter, prevent, stop, divert.
  25. In mourning (noun) – grief, grieving, sorrowing, lamentation, lament.
  26. Militant (noun) – activist, extremist, radical, fanatic, sectarian, partisan.
  27. Spectrum (noun) – a large range (of opinions, thoughts, beliefs, people, etc).
  28. Disperse (verb) – break up, split up, disband, separate; dispel, drive away, drive off, get rid of.
  29. Pellet (noun) – a small bullet.
  30. Counter (verb) – speak/act in opposition to; parry, answer, respond to, resort to.
  31. Flesh out (phrasal verb) – expand on, add to, build on, supplement, reinforce, augment.
  32. Restive (adjective) – restless, tense, uneasy; unruly, disorderly, out of control, uncontrollable.
  33. Funeral (noun) – burial, interment, laying to rest, cremation.
  34. Binary (noun) – something having two parts.
  35. beyond the grave (noun) – beyond the death.


  • Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from .
  • Definitions (elementary level)  & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press.

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