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Bihar’s draconian prohibition law – The Hindu (Aug 05, 2016)

Bihar’s draconian prohibition law – The Hindu (Aug 05, 2016)

Nothing succeeds like excess. This may well be the belief of the Nitish Kumar government in Bihar, which has passed a stringent law to enforce its total prohibition policy. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:

  1. Draconian (adjective) – harsh, severe, strict, drastic, stringent.
  2. Prohibition law (noun) – the prevention of the manufacture and sale of alcohol (by law).
  3. Excess (noun) – something exceeding an accepted limit.
  4. In a bid to (noun) – attempt, effort, endeavour, try.
  5. Ward off (phrasal verb) – prevent, avert, oppose, resist; deflect, parry, fend off.
  6. Brush aside (phrasal verb) – dismiss, disregard, ignore.
  7. Push through (phrasal verb) – succeed in passing a law accepted by the people who oppose it.
  8. Adversary (noun) – opponent, rival, nemesis, competitor; opposer.
  9. Provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, specification; condition.
  10. Egregious (adjective) – extremely bad; shocking.
  11. Collective (adjective) – common, shared, joint, combined.
  12. Liable (adjective) – legally responsible, accountable, answerable, chargeable.
  13. Prosecution (noun) – case, ligitation, lawsuit, proceeding, legal action (legal process).
  14. Intoxicant (noun) – an intoxicating substance; a substance (acoholic drink / drug) which causes people to lose control and also to make them excited and confused.
  15. Cognisable (adjective) – perceptible; clearly identifiable
  16. Sweeping (adjective) – extensive, wide-ranging, comprehensive; decisive, thorough, complete, total.
  17. Confiscate (verb) – impound, seize, appropriate, take possession of,  take away/over.
  18. Transgression (noun) – offence, crime, wrongdoing; infringement, breach, violation, defiance.
  19. Of late (phrase) – recently, not long ago, in the past few days.
  20. Populist (adjective) – related to politicians who claim that they are representing the common/ordinary people.
  21. Fraught with (adjective) – full of, filled with, loaded with.
  22. Contraband (adjective) –  black-market, illegal, illicit, unlawful; prohibited, banned, forbidden.
  23. Plug (verb) – stop, seal, close, pack.
  24. Calling card (noun) – an action by which a person is recognized/distinguished.
  25. Scrutiny (noun) – careful examination, inspection; check, review, analysis.


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